The color of the outer vestments worn by the priest during Ordinary time.
What is green?
A ancient prayer of praise to God
What is the Gloria? (dates back to the third century).
This is what comes between the first and second readings.
What is the Responsorial Psalm? (More than 100% of the Psalms are read in a 3 year cycle)
At the Presentation of the Gifts these three gifts are brought forward to the priest.
What is bread, wine, money?
The people’s response to the priest’s greeting (said several times during Mass), a prayer that the priest receives assistance from the Holy Spirit to fulfill his prophetic mission in the Church.
What is, "And with your Spirit?"
The heart of the Mass is.
What is the consecration?
Represents Baptism
What is an alb?
A community prayer which is like a mini-confession (does not replace confession).
What is the Penitential Act or Confiteor? (I confess...)
Written by the four evangelists that contain the words and deeds of Jesus when He walked the earth.
What are the Gospels? (89.8% of the Gospels read 3 year cycle)
The priest says these words and Eucharistic bread and wine is changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
What are the words of consecration?
What the people make this gesture as they are blessed.
What is the Sign of the Cross?
This is when we pray for others, special needs, sick and the dead.
What is the Prayer of the Faithful or the Universal Prayer?
A scarf like garment worn that is a sign of a priest's office.
What is a stole?
A prayer sometimes recited in Greek asking God for mercy and grace.
What is the Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison
The celebrant draws from the Scripture readings with lessons to teach how to live better lives, more faithful to Christ's call to holiness.
What is the Homily?
The prayer that Jesus taught us.
What is the Lord's Prayer.
May be read (optional) after the Prayer after Communion to inform the congregation about church activities.
What are the announcements?
We bow our heads during the Creed when speaking of?
What is the Incarnation. "and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man."
An ancient royal color that is worn to represent the sovereignty of Christ also associated with repentance from sin.
What is violet or purple?
The priest begins the Mass with this prayer and gesture.
What is the Sign of the Cross?
The second reading at Mass is from this part of the Bible.
What are the New Testament Letters or Epistles? (54.9% read 3 year cycle)
The priest pours a drop of water into the chalice to represent.
Who are we, the people?
The Latin word where the "Mass" gets it's name, meaning in English, "mission."
What is the Latin word Missa?
The only day of the year where there is no Mass celebrated in the world.
What is Good Friday?
Garment that represents Holy Orders only worn at Mass.
What is a chausible?
An opening prayer that sets the theme of the Mass and ends the Introductory rite.
What is the Collect /ˈkälˌekt/?
This is when we profess what we believe.
What is the Creed?
This action recalls the actions of Jesus at the last supper when he broke bread and gave it to his apostles.
What is the fraction rite or the breaking of the consecrated bread?
This is always Trinitarian as the priest makes the sign of the cross over the people.
What is the Final Blessing?
This word literally means work of the people, within the Catholic Church it is used to describe all the public acts of worship that take place, as it draws the people into the work of God.
What is Liturgy?
Belt or rope symbolic of girding oneself for a journey.
What is a cinture?
The priest and deacon make this gesture at the beginning of Mass after the procession and before the greeting as a sign of devotion and respect.
What is kiss the altar?
The reading that usually is an account of God's relationship to the people of Israel before the coming of Jesus.
What is the first reading from the Old Testament (13.5% read 3 year cycle)
This fragment is put into the consecrated wine to show the unity of the body and blood of Christ in the work of salvation.
What is a piece of the broken consecrated host?
The people are sent out to be missionary disciples and to carry the fruits of the Eucharist to the world.
What is the Dismissal?
The Mass is both a________and a__________
What is a sacrifice and a meal?