What part of the computer does a video card send visual information to when it has been rendered?
The monitor
What does C.P.U. stand for?
Central Processing Unit
What does a hard drive do?
Saves information magnetically so when the computer is without power the data is still saved.
What have we said a motherboard looks like?
A city?
What does the term RAM stand for?
Random Access Memory
What does a video card do?
It generates images to be sent to the monitor.
The CPU is like this part of the human body?
The brain
Hard Drives do not need electricity to maintain (keep) the data stored.
True or False. All the parts of the computer connect to the motherboard in some way.
What is the does a heat sink and fan do?
Cool down the computer parts. Pull heat away from the cpu. Uses Thermal conduction, convection, and radiation to pull heat away from the cpu.
Name at least two parts a video card has that a computer has.
Answers: GPU/CPU, Fan, RAM(memory), heat sink, and a Circuit Board/motherboard.
What does a power supply do? (You must mention 2 things)
The spinning disks inside a HDD are known as what?
What are platters?
What are buses?
What is the purpose of RAM?
True or False. Adding a graphics card to your computer can help increase your computer performance when playing video games or other programs that use images.
True, if you add a video card to a computer it will take a big part of the work load off the CPU.
True or False: The power supply converts electricity from AC to DC.
What are the two main types of hard drives that we use today?
SSD (Solid State Drive) or HDDs (Hard Drive Disk)
The motherboard is also known as this?
Main board. OR Main circuit board.
What is the cpu, gpu, ram, transfer processor.
This is the term used to describe when a GPU is built into the motherboard.
Integrated graphics, onboard graphics card
What does a CPU do?
A cpu is a electronic machine that works on an ordered list of instructions.
HHD's (Hard Drive Disks) are different from SSD (Solid State Drives) in what way?
The HHD has mechanical moving parts and a solid state drive does not.
What is the purpose of the motherboard?
To connect all the parts of the computer together and allow them to communicate with each other.
What does adding more RAM to your computer do?
It allows the computer to load more tasks so that they are readily available to the CPU improving the performance of the computer.