The Prepation of the Altar
It begins with a dialouge with the priest and we considers the coming Sacrifce in light of the liturgical season or feast day
Lord’s Prayer
The priest invites us to pray in the owrds of Christ.
The priest gives us the final blessing and we respond ‘Thanks be to God”
The Presentation of the Gifts
It is when the bread and wine are brought up.
The word hosanna means “save us“ and it is a special exclaimation of joy.
Rite of Peace
We may offer eachother a sign of Christ‘s peace every day with family and friends and everyone we meet.
The preist leaves the altar
Offering of the Girfts
The preist offers the gifts to God and the people respondd “Blessed be God foever”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
This is a Prayer of Thanksgiving
Breaking of the Bread
The priest breaks the Host and places the Host in the chalice.
Washing of the Hands
The priests washes his hands which signifys great purity
Invocation of the Holy Spirit
The priest extends his hands over the gifts which ivokes the Holy Spirit.
Receiving Communion
Prayers over the Gifts
These prayers ask for God’s blessing on the gifts that will become the Eucharist.
This is when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Prayer After Communion
The cleans up the altar an we sit in a silence & thanksgiving for a short time.