Before taking your seat at mass you should genuflect of bow before the tabernacle. Why do we do this?
Because Jesus is truly present
What part of the Bible is the first reading is taken from?
Old Testament
What do people bring forward during the Presentation of Gifts?
bread and wine
During the Final Blessing, we make what gesture again?
Sign of the Cross
What does the altar server carry up the aisle before the priest?
cross or crucifix
What do we say or sing right after the First Reading?
Responsorial Psalm
What do the bread and wine become during consecretion?
Body and Blood of Christ
After receiving the Final Blessing, we are sent out to share what with others?
God's love
What do we do with our hands near the beginning of mass?
sign of the cross
What part of the mass is usually a letter written from St. Paul to a group of Christians found in the New Testament?
Second reading
What prayer do we pray together right before communion? This is the same prayer Jesus taught his disciples in the bible.
Our Father
When did Jesus give us the Eucharist?
at the Last Supper
What do we say during the Penitential Rite to ask for forgiveness?
Lord Have Mercy
The Gospel reading is taken from which four books of the Bible?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
We ask for peace of Christ and pass the peace along to others during this?
Sign of Peace
What does the word Eucharist mean?
give thanks or thanksgiving
In what prayer do we praise God and sing with the angels?
During the Prayers of the Faithful, a reader says "We pray to the Lord." What do we say?
Lord hear our prayer
During communion the Priest or Eucharistic minister holds the Eucharist and says "Body of Christ." What do people say to confirm they believe?
What is the celebration of the Eucharist called?
the Mass