Hymn of praise to God
First reading
usally from the old testament
The bread and wine are brought to the _________.
What is the other name for the our father
Lords Prayer
In the greeing the priest says Lord be with you and we say
with your spirit
We gather and form as a _____________ ______________
Worshipping Community
From the book of Psalms
Responsorial psalms
The priest leads us in offerings and we say Amen
prayer over offerings
What dose Blessing mean
the priest blesses us
What is concluding Rites
The priest ask God to bless the assembley
We praise God for all that he has done for us
Second reading
from the old testament
We give thanks to God
When we snake some ones hand
Rite of peace
At the end of mass we sing the.
closing song
The Collet
The priest says the opening prayer and we say Amen
Serves as an intduction to the Gosple
Gosple Acclamation
When we say the Eucharist prayer what do we ask the Holy Spirit to bless.
Wine and Bread
What is the meaning of Breaking of the bread
When the priest breaks the host
the priest or deacon says
go in peace glorafying the Lord by your life
We admit our wrong doings and ask God to forgive us
Penitential act
When the priest explanies the Gosple
The priest prays for the living and the dead also the...
What do we say when the priest says Let us pray
When the priest dissmess us we say...
Thanks be to God