List the 5 major parts of the Mass in order
Introductory Rites
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Communion Rite
Concluding Rites
What two things happen during the dismissal?
The Priest or Deacon sends us forth and we sing the closing song.
Which reading comes from the Book of Psalms?
The Responsorial Psalm
At the beginning of the Mass, the priest leads us un praying the Sign of the Cross and he greets us. Which part of the Mass is this?
Sign of the cross and greeting
Which reading usually comes from the Old Testament?
First Reading
What is the Penitential Act?
We admit our wrong doings and ask God for forgiveness.
During what do we receive the Body and Blood of Christ?
During the Concluding Rites the Priest says, "The Lord be with you." We respond, "And with your spirit." In which part of the Concluding Rites does this occur?
Which reading comes from the New Testament?
Second reading
Define Blessing?
The priest asks us to bow our heads and pray for Gods blessings.
We join with the priest by praying the church's prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God the Father....this is the definition for the?
Define Prayer Over the Offerings?
The Priest leads us in Praying the Prayer over the offerings.
What is another name of Our Father?
Lord's Prayer
This is when the priest says the Opening Prayer and we answer, "Amen."
The Collect
This is the part of the Mass when we shake hands with those around us?
Rite of Peace
The priest finishes the Eucharistic Prayer during the?
During the what do we praise God for all that he has done for us?
Define Preparation of the Altar and Gifts?
The Bread and Wine are brought up to the altar.
What is the center of the Liturgy of the Word?
Define Prayer After Communion?
The priest says "Let us pray." He then says a prayer. We respond. "Amen"
In which part of Mass do we say the Nicene Creed?
Profession of Faith.
List the 4 things that happen during the Eucharistic Prayer?
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
The Prayer Over the Offerings
Eucharist Prayer
This is when we sing the gathering song to start the Mass; the priest kisses the altar and he goes to the presider's chair?
The Entrance.
In which part of the Mass does the priest or deacon explain the readings to us?
What is the Gospel Acclamation?
Serves as an introduction to the Gospel