This is the initial part of the mass where we gather together and sing.
What is the entrance chant?
This is the purpose of the homily.
We pray for these three things during the Lamb of God.
This is how many parts are in the conclusion rite.
What are two?
We do this directly after saying the Lord's Prayer.
What is offer to one another the sign of peace?
This is the part where we ask God to hear our prayers.
What is collect?
What is the response to "The Gospel according to_________"? What do you do and say?
"Glory to you O Lord" Sign of cross over head, lips, and heart.
This is what you pray for after you receive communion.
This is the last part of the mass.
What is the dismissal?
This is the purpose of going to mass.
What is to participate and understand the mass so that we can grow closer to God?
When the priest welcomes us during the greeting, we are supposed to do this.
What is the sign of the cross?
This reading is from the Old Testament.
This is what the priest is asking God during the Prayer of the Offerings.
What is if God will accept our sacrifice?
After we are done kneeling after communion, father gives us this.
What is the final blessing?
During the eucharist prayer, you are physically doing this.
What is kneeling?
This the part of the Introductory Rite where we praise God in song.
What is Gloria?
This is the part where we sing "alleluia" to praise God for the good news.
What is the gospel acclamation?
Money is collected during this part of the mass.
After the lectern reads the second reading, they say this.
What is "The Word of the Lord"?
What is the responsorial psalm?
This is the part where we remember our sins and pray for God's mercy.
What is the Penitential Act?
This part of the mass comes directly after the homily.
What is the profession of faith?
This is the most important prayer or part of the entire mass!
What is the eucharistic prayer?
What is the Nicene Creed?
When father says these words, you are supposed to raise your arms.
What is "we lift up our hearts"?