We do this sign not only to mention the name of God, but to also to put us in His holy presence.
In this part of the Liturgy of the Word, God speaks directly through Jesus.
This is the moment in which the bread and wine are brought to the altar. Together with this bread and wine, we also present ourselves to God.
Presentation of the Gifts
At the beginning of the Eucharist we humbly recognize along with all our brothers and sisters in Christ, that we are sinners. With trust in God’s mercy, we pray “Lord have mercy”.
Penitential Rite
It is the moment in which the priest explains the proclaimed scripture readings and we are able to delve into them
The priest invokes the Holy Spirit to descend over these gifts and make Christ present in our midst.
On Sundays and solemnities, we sing this hymn of praise that truly gives glory to God.
The part of the Bible where the First Reading is usually taken.
Old Testament
The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a time to gather us all in silence and ask the Lord to help us. The opening prayer unites us with the universal Church, reminding us that in every corner of the world in which Mass is said our brothers and sisters in Christ will be doing the same thing.
The part of the Bible where the Second Reading is usually taken.
New Testament
We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
We prepare to begin the mass with the entrance procession. It is a song that unites all of us because people come to Mass from different places, cultures, ages and together sing with one voice, as the body of Christ. We unite by singing together to celebrate one of the greatest gifts that Jesus left us: the Eucharist.
Entrance Song
The word Gospel means ____.
Good News
We receive God’s blessing. We go in peace, glorifying the Lord by our lives.
Concluding Rites