What is the Introductory Rite?
An introduction to the Gospel - a big YES to God's word
What is the Alleluia?
The bread and wine are brought up to the altar.
What is the offertory?
Whats another name for the Our Father.
The Lord's Prayer.
Define Concluding Rites.
The priest asks Gods blessing on the assembly.
We admit our wrong doings and ask God for forgiveness.
What is the Penitential Rite.
We all recite our beliefs as a community
We remember Jesus' welcome into Jerusalem to cries of Hosanna!
What is the Sanctus
We shake hands with those around us.
Rite of Peace.
The priest says "The Lord be with you." We respond, "And with your spirit."
We praise God for all that he has done for us.
What is the Gloria.
General prayers for ourselves, our community, and the world.
What are the General Intercessions?
We join the priest by praying the Church's prayer of praise & thanksgiving to God the Father.
Preface (preff-iss)
The priest breaks the host (which is consecrated) while we say, "Lamb of God, you take away."
The Breaking of the Bread.
What number is Concluding Rites in order?
The 5th.
The priest prays for us and for the "theme" of the Mass if there is one.
What is the opening prayer?
The priest or deacon explains the reading.
What is the homily?
We call on the Holy Spirit to make the bread & wine Holy so that they become the Body & Blood Of Jesus. The priest say, "The mystery of Faith."
Eucharistic Prayer.
Define Communion.
We receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
The priest asks us to bow our heads and pray for Gods blessings then blesses us.
The priest welcomes the congregation
The center of the Liturgy of the Word; comes from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
What is the Gospel?
The priest finishes the Eucharist Prayer.
The priest says "Let us pray" He then says a prayer. We respond, "Amen."
Prayer after Communion.
The priest or deacon sends us forth (he might say, "Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.") We respond, "Thanks be to God." - We sing the closing song.