we start the mass with a gathering song, the priest kisses the altar and goes to the presider's chair.
which part of the Introductory Rite is this?
The Entrance
priest or deacon explains the readings
what part of the Liturgy of the word is this from?
The bread and wine are brought up to the altar
what part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is this from?
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
We say the Our Father
What part of the Communion is this from?
The Lords Prayer
The priest asks us to bow our heads and pray for God's blessing
What part of the Concluding Rites is this from?
Priest leads us in praying the Sign of the cross, he greets us and we say, "And with your spirit"
which part of the Introductory Rite is this?
Sign of the cross and greeting
The center of the Liturgy of the word comes from Matthew, Mark,Luke,or John.
what part of the Liturgy of the word is this from?
The priests leads us in Praying the Prayer over the Offerings...We respond "amen"
what part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is this from?
The prayer Over the Offerings
We shake hands with those around us.
What part of the Communion Rites is this from?
Rite of Peace
the priest or deacon sends us forth we respond "Thanks be to God"
What part of the Concluding Rites is this from?
We admit our wrongdoings and ask God for forgiveness.
which part of the Introductory Rite is this?
Penitential Act
serves as an introduction to the gospel
what part of the Liturgy of the word is this from?
Gospel Aclemation
We join the priest by praying the churches prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God the Father
what part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is this from?
The priest breaks the Host while we say, "Lamb of God you take away..."
What part of the Communion Rites is this from?
The Breaking of Bread
BONUS! when do we sing the Closing Song!
after the Priest or deacon dismiss us.
DID YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we praise God for all he has done for us.
which part of the Introductory Rite is this?
usually from the old testament
what part of the Liturgy of the word is this from?
First Reading
We call on the Holy Spirit to make the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ
what part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is this from?
Eucharistic Prayer
We receive the body and blood of Christ
What part of the Communion is this from?
BONUS When do we bow our heads?
the priest says the Opening Prayer and we answer "Amen"
which part of the Introductory Rite is this?
The Collect
from the book of psalms
what part of the Liturgy of the word is this from?
Responsorial Psalm
:The priest says "the mystery of Faith"
:The priest prays for the church
"The priest prays for the living and the dead
what part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is this from?
Eucharistic Prayer
What does the priest ask God to do for the Assembly?
He asks for Gods Blessing
BONUS How many times is the bell rung during lent?
ZERO times