Do we receive the body and blood of christ during Communion?
The priest leads us in praying the prayer over the offerings
we respond...
true or false we bow our heads during the blessing
True or False we shake hands with those around us during the rite of peace
true or false The bread and wine are brought up to the altar during the doxology
which one the priest or the deacon send us forth
We say the Our Father
The Lords Prayer
the bread and wine are brought up to the altar what is this?
Preparation of altar and gifts
do we respond and with your spirit during the greeting
yes we do
The priest breaks the host (which is consecrated bread) while we say, "Lamb of God you take away"...
What part is this?
The breaking of bread
what is the preface (preff-iss)
we join the priest by praying the Church's prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God the Father
the priest says "Let us pray." Then he says a prayer. We respond "Amen" Do we say this before Communion
no we say it after
we call on the Holy Spirit to make bread and wine holy
what is this?
Eucharistic Prayer