This is what we start the mass with.
What is the sign of the cross?
The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
What are the Gospels?
The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray.
What is the Our Father?
What is the Lord's Prayer?
Weekly day for the celebration of the Eucharist
What is Sunday?
The color of the traditional dress worn by priests most often
What is green?
When the priest says “go forth, the mass has ended,” and we respond with “thanks be to God.”
What is the dismissal?
When the priest focuses on the scripture and teaches us lessons on how we can live our lives better. To become more faithful and grow in holiness.
What is the homily?
When we shake hands and say "peace be with you."
What is the sign of peace?
Talking and listening to God
What is prayer?
Name of our current Pope
Who is Pope Francis?
When the priest says, “may almighty God bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Masses that have no second readings.
What are weekday masses?
What are liturgies?
When a family of the parish community volunteers to bring up the bread, wine, and donations to the altar for offering.
What is the presentation of gifts?
When the priest says "peace be with you," the correct response is this.
What is "and with your spirit"?
The name to describe the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Trinity?
When we come together as a community to admit our faults, our sins, and those things we have done wrong throughout the week.
What is the Penitential Act?
When we all pray on behalf of the church, ourselves, others, and the world. It is said usually with the response, “Lord, hear our prayer.”
What is the prayers of the faithful?
When the bread and wine are gathered and the priest prays over them.
What is the preparation of the altar?
This is the sacrament we receive at mass as the body and blood of Christ.
The person that was 'immaculately conceived.'
Who is Jesus?
When we offer praise and adoration to God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
What is the Gloria/Glory to God?
Where the first reading is normally from.
What is the Old Testament?
The change of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus during the mass
What is transubstantiation?
This is the prayer we profess during the liturgy of the Word for our beliefs as Catholics.
What is the Nicene/Apostle's Creed?
This is the book that has the teachings of the Catholic Church (Hint: Not the Bible)
What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
What is the Catechism?