What is the procession
I am the first last part of the Liturgy of the Word.
What is the Petitions
I am the first part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
What is the gifts
I am what the Priest gives us at the end of Mass.
I am the sign we make at the beginning of Mass.
What is the Sign of the Cross
I am the first part of the Liturgy of the Word.
What is the First reading
I come after the presentation of the gifts.
What is the Eucharistic Prayer
I am what the word Mass means.
What is sent
I am the first thing the Priest says.
What is the greeting
I come after the first reading.
What is the Psalm
I am the Prayer we pray to our Heavenly Father.
What is the Our Father
I am what we are when we leave church.
What is the Living Tabernacle
I am the word that means " Lord have Mercy"
What is Kyrie
I am the third part of the Liturgy of the Word.
What is the second reading
I am what process of changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
What is Consecration
I am what we are to spread when we leave Mass.
What is the Good News
I am a very short prayer the Priest prays at the beginning of Mass.
What is the collect
I am the part of the Mass that comes after the Gospel.
What is the Homily
I am the part of the Mass in which you receive Jesus.
What is Holy Communion
Our God is an________ God!
What is Awesome