another name for reconciliation
What is confession?
Name the two Sacraments of Service
What is Marriage and Holy Orders?
The priest uses this in the sacrament
What is the oil?
the prayer the priest tells us to say in the confessional
What is the Act of Contrition?
A commitment of a lifelong union between a man and a woman before God
What is Marriage?
where the sick person and others present ask God's forgiveness
What is the Penitential Rite?
the name of the prayer the priest says so our sins are forgiven
What is Absolution?
The sacrament of ordination is called ___________.
What is Holy Orders?
the priest does this on the sick person and prays
it is an ancient sign of healing and blessing
What is laying on of hands?
priest gives the confessor this to say after confession
What is the Penance?
During Ordination, which two groups are anointed with oil?
What is Bishops and Priests?
The sick person may receive two other sacraments during this sacrament
What is Reconciliation and the reception of the Eucharist?
the process before Reconciliation where we admit we have done wrong
What is the Contrition?
An ordination which the person ordained cannot consecrate the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
What is the Deacon?
This final communion is called ___________
What is viaticum?