Identify the simple subject and complete subject:
My sister likes loud music.
Simple: sister
Complete: my sister
Identify the simple and complete predicate:
The dog smells like mud.
Simple: smells
Complete: smells like mud
What is the following group of words a subject or a predicate?
ran down the sidewalk.
Identify direct and/or indirect objects in the sentence below:
I told her a secret.
DO: secret
IO: her
Identify the simple subject and complete subject:
The old man in corduroys limped around the park with his dog.
Simple: man
Complete: the old man in corduroys
Identify the simple & complete predicate(s):
The zoo near their house has scary white polar bears.
Simple: has
Complete: has scary white polar bears
Subject or Predicate? Simple or Complete?
The houses, buildings, and roads
Complete Subject
Identify direct and/or indirect objects in the sentence below:
Give that chocolate to me.
DO: chocolate
("to me" is a prepositional phrase; there is no IO)
Identify the simple and complete subject:
Mangos, strawberries, and blueberries are delicious.
Simple: mangos, strawberries, blueberries
Complete: mangos, strawberries, and blueberries
Identify the simple and complete predicate(s):
Yesterday Marcell ate dinner then went home to watch a movie.
Simple: ate, went
Complete: Yesterday...ate dinner then went home to watch a movie.
Subject or Predicate? Simple or Complete?
chased the mouse and caught it.
Complete predicate
Identify direct and/or indirect objects in the sentence below:
I told them my worries and concerns.
DO: worries and concerns
IO: them
Define "subject"
The subject tells us who or what the sentence is about.
Define "predicate"
It is the part of the sentence that tells us what the subject is, or what the subject does. The predicate always contains a verb.
Compound predicates or subjects (i.e., multiple subjects or actions) are usually joined by what?
Conjunctions such as:
and, but, or, then
Identify direct and/or indirect objects in the sentence below:
We talked yesterday.
No IO or DO