Which is closer to the Sun, Mars or Venus?
What is the biggest outer planet?
What Planets are outside of the Asteroid Belt?
Mars and Jupiter
What is the biggest Dwarf Planet?
Every how many years do we see Halley's Comet?
Every 76 years
Which planet is bigger, Venus or Earth?
Both are about the same size
What outer planets have rings?
All of them
What do the asteroids orbit?
The Sun
How many Dwarf Planets are there?
So far there are 5 known of
What are asteroids made of?
Rock, gas, and metal
Is Mars hot or cold?
What are Saturn's rings made of?
Ice and rock
Are all asteroids in Space located in the Asteroid Belt?
Is Ceres a Dwarf Planet or an asteroid?
How many meteorites hit Earth's atmosphere each day?
What is Mercury mostly made of?
What is Uranus's Solar Orbit Period?
84 years
Why do the asteroids stay inside the belt?
Because of Jupiter's gravitational pole
What is Pluto's Solar Orbit Period?
248 years
What is another name for Comets, and why do they call it that?
Another name for Comets are "Dirty Snowballs" or "Cosmic Snowballs" because Comets are mostly made up of dust and ice.
How long is a year on Venus?
225 Earth days
What is the surface temperature on Neptune?
What is the biggest object in the Asteroid Belt?
Ceres Dwarf planet/Asteroid
What are the names of the Dwarf Planets?
1. Ceres
2. Eris
3. Haumea
4. Makemake
5. Pluto
Where did asteroids come from?
Asteroids are left over from the formation of our Solar System