What is the maximum possible number of times you can subtract number 5 from number 25.
Thought "once". Think again.
You can add 5 back to get 25
How do you divide "5 apples" in a basket equally to 5 people with one apple still remaining in the basket.
Give one apple and the basket to a person.
Remember, the quotation marks were on " 5 apples ". So you only need to distribute the apples equally. Not the basket.
A piece of cake.
Jessie and Nick were sitting in a restaurant. Both had iced tea.
Jessie drank fast while nick was drinking slow.
Nick died while Jessie survived. Turns out the food was poisoned. Where was the poison?
Answer 1: In the Ice. Answer 2 : In the food.
What mathematical symbol can you put between a 7 and an 8 so that the result is greater than a seven, but less than an eight?
a decimal point
Imagine that you are on fire, you can't move, voice is not coming from your mouth and there is no one around you. What should you do.
First, STOP IMAGINING. Then, ANSWER MY RIDDLE. or just "stop imagining"
It's actually
"Lightning and the Thunder"
You buy me to eat but never eat me.
What am I
An utensil
A 1 mile long train crosses a one mile tunnel with a speed of 1 mile per minute.
How long does it take for the whole train to cross the tunnel?
2 minutes
There were 2 knights who always raced but got bored of it. So one day the king made two knights un-race.
Whoever's horse crossed the finish line first would lose.
At first, no one moved. But then a man whispered something. Then the knights rode as fast as they could even when their first priority was to win.
What did the man say.
exchange horses
Lord of The Rings
If 12 = 6
And 6 = 3
Then what does 10 equal to.
(Not 5)
What odd number becomes even when you take a letter away from it?
Seven - S = even
Sonal Auntie could stay underwater for 30 minutes. One day Saharsh bet her that he could break her record of staying under water. Whoever lost had to give the other person permission to bake a quad cake
How did Saharsh won his quad cake even when Saharsh had not swam since 1 year.
He filled half a glass of water, nailed it to a helmet, put a cap on the glass, and wore the helmet for 31 minutes.
Ghost Busters
What is hidden.
If wanted, we will reveal why you can not see it.
A panda
A Grand father, 2 fathers, and 2 sons are eating breakfast. Each person eats exactly one egg.
What is the minimum amount of eggs needed to eat breakfast.
3 eggs
1 grand = 1 father
1 father = 1 son
1 son
A king gave every child a pot a told them that he put a seed in each pot and whoever's plant will be the most beautiful after 2 weeks, that child will be a part of the royal family.
Then why did he choose the owner of a pot with no plant when there were thousands of unique plants?
Because he put pebbles inside and the person he picked was the only person honest
Party in the USA