Conversation Skills
Table Manners
Party Behavior
Thank you's/Follow ups

What you should do when you first arrive at a party 

What is smile and say hello to the host? What is thank the host for inviting you.


A good way to start a conversation at a party

What is ask something about the other person?


Where to place your napkin while eating at a party

What is in your lap?


What to do if the host is busy with another guest

What is not interrupt, continue enjoying the party until he/she is free?


What to do when leaving a party

What is thank the host and say goodbye?


What you should say if you meet someone you don’t know at a party

What is introduce yourself and ask their name. 


How to keep a conversation going with someone you don't know well

What is share something you might have in common?


What to do if you accidentally spill a drink

What is apologize and offer to clean it up?


What to do if you see a party guest being left out

What is approach him/her and start a friendly conversation?


Why it is important to thank the party host

What is to show appreciation for the time and effort they put into planning and hosting the party?


 A polite way to greet the host of a party

What is say “Hi, I’m [Your Name], thanks for having me!” ?


How to react if someone is talking about something you know nothing about

What is listen carefully and ask questions to show interest? 


What you should not do over another person's plate

What is reach over it?


What to do if you are feeling uncomfortable talking to a specific person at a party

What is excuse yourself politely and go talk to someone else?


What to do if you receive a gift at a party

What is write a sincere thank you note and mention something specific about the gift you received?


 What you should do if someone forgets your name at a party

What is politely tell them your name again? 


How to politely excuse yourself from a conversation

What is say, “It was nice talking to you, I’m going to mingle!” ?


What to do if you taste food that you do not like at a party

What is politely move the food to the side of the plate and leave it?


How to handle a situation where you do not get along with someone at a party

What is stay polite, do not start an argument, find someone else to talk with?


What to do if you didn't get to see the host before leaving the party

What is make a point to call, to text, or to write a thank you within a few days of the party?


How you can make sure to remember someone's name at a party

What is repeat their name when they introduce themselves?


Topics you should avoid talking about at a party

What is avoid sensitive topics like money, politics, or personal problems.


The polite way to select food at a party without looking like a pig!!!!

What is take a small amount of everything you want but not so much that you waste food?


How to join a group of party guest who are already talking

What is wait for a natural break and then add to the conversation?


The proper time to send a thank you note to the host after a party

What is within 24-48 hours after the party?
