This food is mostly served at a pub restaurant.
This movie had 4 houses.
Harry Potter
I have this show on a lot (cooking related)
Kitchen Nightmares
This holiday is celebrated in December.
What is Meredith's favorite color?
What food is pretty popular at the fair?
What Disney movie does a house float on balloons?
This show is a Disney Channel show that I also watch a lot during meal times.
Good Luck, Charlie
What holiday is scary and has costumes and candy?
What is Meredith's favorite animal, (besides a dog)
Dad just had this for dinner tonight.
What movie has a king as an animal? (in Africa)
The Lion King
What show is scary and is set in the 80s?
Stranger Things
This holiday is also full of candy and hearts.
Valentines Day
What is Meredith's favorite vacation she has ever been on?
Disney World
What food is very comforting during winter, and had many components to it? (also had rice)
What movie does a emperor turn into a llama?
The Emperors New Groove
This show has a lot of music and is Nickelodeon.
Probably everyones favorite holiday/special day.
What is Meredith's favorite activity to do at home?
Build LEGOs
This is a snack that had cheese on top and you mostly find at a game.
This movie includes a lion, a witch, and a wardrobe.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
This is Meredith's favorite movie (musical)
When you celebrate a new beginning.
New Years Eve
What is Meredith's favorite beauty store(s)?
Ulta and Sephora