1. Conjugate to French: téléphoner (vous)
2. Translate to English.
1. vous avez téléphoné
2. You (all) called (telephoned)
How many hours are there in the month of February in a non-leap year?
672 hours
1. What's the verb for "to do" in French?
2. What is its irregular past participle?
3. How would you say "I did" in French?
1. faire
2. fait
3. j'ai fait
What is a reflexive verb?
A reflexive verb is a verb where the subject and object of the action is the same. In other words, the action returns (or reflexes) back to the person.
Rewrite in the past tense: J'adore ce film!
J'ai adoré ce film!
1. Conjugate to French: obéir (le chien)
2. Translate to English.
1. le chien a obéi
2. the dog obeyed
What is the population of France? You can round up to the nearest ten (million).
70 million (67.75 million)
1. What's the verb for "to read" in French?
2. What is its irregular past participle?
3. How would you say "You (singular) read" in French?
1. lire
2. lu
3. Tu as lu
Conjugate the helping verb "être" in its 6 forms:
je _____ nous ______
tu _____ vous ______
il ______ ils _______
je suis nous sommes
tu es vous êtes
il est ils sont
Rewrite in the past tense: Nous choisissons la bonne réponse.
Nous avons choisi la bonne réponse.
1. Conjugate to French: chanter (Marie et moi)
2. Translate to English
1. Marie et moi (nous) avons chanté
2. We sang
Mitterand, Chirac, Sarkozy, Holland and Macron are all names of __________.
French presidents
1. What's the verb for "to write" in French?
2. What is its irregular past participle?
3. How would you say "She wrote" in French?
1. écrire
2. écrit
3. Elle a écrit
Conjugate the helping verb "être" in its 6 forms including the reflexive pronoun:
je _____ nous ______
tu _____ vous ______
il ______ ils _______
je ME suis nous NOUS sommes
tu T'es vous VOUS êtes
il S'est ils SE sont
Rewrite in the past tense: Je me brosse les dents.
Je me suis brossé les dents.
1. Conjugate to French: vendre (je)
2. Translate to English.
1. j'ai vendu
2. I sold
What do the initials W & C stand for in W. C. Mepham High School?
Wellington Carl
1. What's the verb for "to have" in French?
2. What is its irregular past participle?
3. How would you say "They had" in French?
1. avoir
2. eu
3. Ils ont eu
You have to remember that verbs with "être" get an extra lettre!!!! What letters (or combination of letters) might be added to the end of the past participle and why?
1. e- feminine
2. s- plural
3. es- feminine, plural
Rewrite in the past tense: Ma mère prépare le diner.
Ma mère a préparé le diner.
1. Conjugate to French: immigrer (tu)
2. Translate to English.
1. tu as immigré
2. You immigrated
How tall is a baby giraffe when it is born?
6 feet
1. What's the verb for "to receive" in French?
2. What is its irregular past participle?
3. How would you say "We received" in French?
1. recevoir
2. reçu
3. Nous avons reçu
Translate to French:
1- Jeanne woke up.
2- Nous got dressed quickly.
1- Jeanne s'est réveillée.
2- Nous nous sommes habillés rapidement.
Rewrite in the past tense: Les élèves s'amusent dans la classe de français.
Les élèves se sont amusés dans la classe de français.