The ending for -er verbs
What is é?
The auxiliary verb you conjugate the irregular verb to
What is etre?
The ending for Venir
What is venu?
The ending for -ir verbs
What is i?
The letter you add if the subject is masculine plural
What is s?
The ending for revenir
The ending for -re verbs
What is u?
The letter you add if the subject is feminine singular
What is e?
The ending for devenir
What is devenu?
Put this into Passe Compose: elle mange une pomme
What is elle a mangé une pomme?
Put this into Passe Compose: nous aller au parc
What is nous sommes allés au parc?
The ending for mourir
What is mort?
Put this into Passe Compose: nous parlons d'herbe
What is nous avons parlé d'herbe?
Put this into passe compose: elle arrive au magasin
What is elle est arrivée au magasin?
The ending for naître
What is né?