Passed on, or Still Around?
Passed on, or Still Around?

Hal Linden
Actor. Known for TV show Barney Miller

Hal Linden, born Harold Lipschitz in 1931, is 91 years old and still kicking!


John Dean
Nixon Whitehouse counsel. Known for his involvement in the Watergate break-in 

John Dean, Born in 1938 is 84 years old and still Kicking!


Adam West
Actor - Known for TV show Batman

Adam West, born William West Anderson, was born in 1928. He died in 2017. He was 88 years old


Hugh Downs
Radio and Television Broadcaster. Known as Co-host of the Today show, as well as host of several game shows.

Hugh Downs, Born in 1921, died at the age of 99 in 2020


Donna Douglas -
Actress. Known for TV show Beverly Hillbillies

Donna Douglas, born Dorothy Smith, in 1933. She died in 2015 at the age of 81


Sir David Attenborough
Known for commentating various nature and environmental TV programs

Sir David Attenborough, born in 1926. He is 96 years old, still alive and still working


Bob Newhart
Actor and Comedian. Known for The Bob Newhart show.

Bob Newhart, born George Robert Newhart in 1929
is Still Kicking at 93 years old


Wayne Newton
Singer. Known for song Danke Schoen and as a Las Vegas entertainer

Wayne Newton, born Carson Wayne Newton in 1942, is 80 years old and still around


Imelda Marcos -
Wife of Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos

Imelda Marcos, born Imelda Romualdez  in 1929 is still alive and kicking with all of her shoes. She is 93 years old.


Mike Nussbaum
Actor- Known for Men in Black, Fatal Attraction

Mike Nussbaum, Born Myron Nussbaum in 1923, is still around. He is 99 years old. He is currently, the oldest living actor that is still working.
