What is one good way that the book says teachers should do conferences?
Let the students lead
If you ask a student where in their lives they work the hardest, what do they normally answer with?
Sports, hobbies, and friendships.
Why are students enticed to cram?
They feel they can remember more for the test than if they learned the right way. (Risk of forgetting afterwards)
What are the 3 things students should be pursuing to acquire and apply?
Critical Skills
What is Grace’s Dog Middle Name?
How should we view discipline?
We should treat discipline as an opportunity to teach “ values of respect, of a democratic society, of good-naturedness, fairness, and decency towards one another.”(186)
What are typically teachers' main goals for the students?
Good grades, no late assignments, no failed tests.
What are 2 of the traditionally “bad habits” of teaching?
-Teachers don’t teach students what is important
-Teachers rarely give students real jobs to do
-Teachers mostly judge instead of guiding and coaching them
Who should all be involved with the decision making of the curriculum?
How old is Chile?
ask Julie
What should the class atmosphere be like?
The atmosphere should be embarrassment-proof.
On page 195, excellence is defined as what?
“Excellence, as I am defining it here, is not a birthright, as is respect for dignity, it must be earned.” (195)
In teaching students what’s important, what is the choice you have to make? At what benefit?
Choice to cover less content, but pursue the essential concepts in depth. (205)
What is an example of a platonic answer a teacher would give when a parent asks them about their child?
“John is a very nice boy”
Jill is doing good with her grades”
Why is this ineffective and frustrating for parents?
What is the room number of this room?
William Glasser referred to 'fun' as?
“nature's reward for learning”(p. 183)
What are the three fallacies on the ability spectrum that the book says are our God-given capacities?
Those who will do excellent work, those who will do average work, and those who will do poorly. (195)
What’s one way you can give students “real jobs?”
-Making writing have a “real” audience
-Work that other people can see
-Partnerships with elementary
Why should teachers have a consensus of how classes are being taught and some uniformity of how students should perform, there was an example on page
It increases the balance between classes and what the students are learning in the whole scheme of school.
What is Julie's middle name?
ask Julie
What are the four categories of persistent problems with discipline in the classroom?
Home life, a student who is being abused or whose life is in uproar.
Outside the classroom but still in the school. Cliques who assert themselves by harassing other students.
Ineffective curriculum
Lack of mutual respect between learner and teacher.
“Excellence may be found in the results students attain by doing work that:
Name one of the four.
-is intrinsically important, concerns things that matter in the world;
-involves both discipline and a stretching of students’ minds and actions beyond what they think they can do (i.e., “effort”);
-shows creativity and individuality that reflect a students view of the world; and
-makes a contribution to the learning or well-being of oneself and others (has use beyond the completion of an assignment).” (192)
What is the detrimental aspect of grading?
Creates a ceiling/wall of how much they have to achieve.
(Pg. 225) What was the example of what some of the teachers sent to Fried and his wife at the beginning of the year to help the parents know what their son was going to learn and gave perspective to what was being taught?
An outline of the course and how it was being taught.
Tati and Hallie
Ashley and Grace