Guess what?
-100 points
Who colonized Australia?
Australia was colonized by the British
The lightbulb was invented by Thomas Jefferson.
False. It was invented by Thomas Edison.
Lucky one
Get 100 points
Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
Mars is known as the Red Planet.
She will deliver the package
The package will be delivered by her.
Who directed Start Wars?
Star Wars was directed by George Lucas
The Statue of Liberty was give to the USA by the Italians.
False. It was given by the French.
The chef cooks the meal.
The meal is cooked by the chef.
Swap points with another team
The team was discussing the project
The project was being discussed by the team.
Who invented the electric chair:
A dentist
A teacher
A doctor
Is it true that you've just lost 300 points?
The researchers had conducted extensive experiments to validate their hypothesis.
Extensive experiments had been conducted by the researchers to validate their hypothesis.
Where is the Great Wall of China located?
The Great Wall of China is located in northern China.
He has completed the assignment.
The assignment has been completed by him.
Lose 400 points
The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin.
The engineers had solved the technical issues before the launch.
The technical issues had been solved by the engineers before the launch.
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
The students had already completed their assignments.
The assignments had already been completed by the students.
Who invented chess?
Chess was invented by the Chinese
Uranus is known as the largest planet in the Solar System.
False. Jupiter is known as the largest planet in the Solar System.
The developers have been testing the software for several months.
The software has been being tested by the developers for several months.
Where is the Amazon Rainforest primarily located?
The Amazon Rainforest is primarily located in Brazil.