Active Voice
We drink water every day.
(Present Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Water is drunk (by us) every day.
(Present Simple Passive)
Active Voice
People don't play football everywhere.
(Present Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Football isn't played (by people) everywhere.
(Present Simple Passive)
Active Voice
Do we give presents water every day?
(Present Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Are presents given (by us) every day?
(Present Simple Passive)
Active Voice
I lost much water yesterday.
(Past Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Much water was lost(by me) yesterday.
(Past Simple Passive)
Active Voice
Boys didn't play football a week ago.
(Past Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Football wasn't played (by boys) a week ago.
(Past Simple Passive)
Active Voice
When did boys play football?
(Past Simple Active)
Passive Voice
When was football played (by boys)?
(Past Simple Passive)
Active Voice
You will buy less water next week.
(Future Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Less water will be bought (by you next) week.
(Future Simple Passive)
Active Voice
We won't find them next month.
(Future Simple Active)
Passive Voice
They won't be found (by us) next month.
(Future Simple Passive)
Active Voice
Will he write the book next week?
(Future Simple Active)
Passive Voice
Will the book be written by him?
(Future Simple Passive)
Active Voice
They brought dinner
Passive Voice
Dinner was brought
Active Voice
She doesn't tell the truth
Passive Voice
The truth isn't told
Active Voice
Do the robbers steal the cash?
Passive Voice
Is cash stolen?
Active Voice
I drink cold water now.
(Present Continuous Active)
Passive Voice
Cold water is drunk (by me) now.
(Present Continuous Passive)
Active Voice
They don't win the world cup
Passive Voice
World cup isn't won by them
Active Voice
Do you like water ?
Passive Voice
Is water liked?