Use "born" to answer:
I was born in... in ...
Clue 1: It is used to communicate over long distances.
Clue 2: The first patent was registered in 1876.
Clue 3: Alexander Graham Bell is credited as its inventor.
The telephone
They can be made of wood.
1. Lemons are washed thoroughly under running water. Then, they are cut into halves or wedges.
2. After the lemons are cut, they are squeezed. The juice is collected in a bowl or container.
3. In a pitcher, sugar is poured and water is added.
4. Finally, the lemon juice is added to the sugar-water mixture
How lemonade is prepared.
What can be seen from your nearest window?
From my window _________ can be seen
Clue 2: It was discovered in 1928.
Clue 3: It was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
They are made of glass
1. Used paper is collected from various sources.
2. The paper is sorted into different categories based on type and quality.
3. The sorted paper is then shredded and mixed with water to create a pulp.
4. The clean pulp is spread onto a screen where excess water drains away, leaving a layer of wet fibers.
5. These wet fibers are then pressed and dried
How paper is recycled
What do these places have in common:
Libraries, bookstores, schools, and homes.
Gardens, parks, balconies, and windowsills.
Roads, parking lots, driveways, and garages
Where books can be found.
Where plants can be found.
Where cars can be found.
Clue 1: It was invented by Carl von Linde
Clue 2: It was invented in the late 19th century.
Clue 3: It is used for preserving food and keeping it cold."
The refrigerator
Water bottles
They are made of plastic.
First, ripe grapes are carefully harvested by hand or machine.
Then, they are gently crushed to release their juices. The crushed grapes, known as "must," are transferred to fermentation tanks.
In the tanks, yeast is added to the must.
After fermentation, the young wine is transferred to barrels or tanks for aging.
How wine is made.
What's something you've been asked to do at your job?
I have been asked to _______
Clue 1: It was created by Elizabeth Magie in 1904.
Clue 2: It was designed as a critique to capitalism.
Clue 3: It was originally called "The Landlord's game"
Clue 4: It is now sold and played as a normal board game.
The Monopoly Game
They are made of fabric
1. Wind turbines are installed in windy areas where they can capture the natural wind energy
2. Kinetic energy is converted into electric energy.
3. The electricity generated by the turbine is sent through cables to a substation.
4. From the substation, the electricity is distributed through power lines to homes, businesses, and other places where it's needed
How electricity is generated from wind.
Complete the sentence:
I was told that...
Clue 1: It was invented by American chemist Stephanie Kwolek.
Clue 2: It is a synthetic fiber known for its high strength and heat resistance.
Clue 3: It is used in bulletproof vests, tires, and various protective gear
Coffee mug
Flower vase
Dinner plate
Floor tile
Decorative figurine
Think of a process and describe it using passive voice.