Present Tense: The website / read by many people.
The website is read by many people
He said that he was exhausted. Is this the passive voice or reported speech?
Past Simple to Passive: Sam ate 2 pizzas.
2 pizzas were eaten by Sam.
"I am exhausted," he said. How do we change this to the reported speech?
He said (that) he was exhausted.
"I respect my grandparents a lot," she said.
How do we write this in the reported speech?
She said that she respected her grandparents a lot.
Past Tense: The marathon race / won by Daniel.
The marathon race was won by Daniel.
The news is followed by many citizens around the world. Is this the passive voice or reported speech?
Passive voice
Present Simple to Passive: I make delicious food everyday.
Delicious food is made everyday by me.
Delicious food is made by me everyday.
Sophie said, "I want to go home." How do we change this to the reported speech?
Ashley said, "I am living in London."
How do we change this to the reported speech?
Ashley said that she was living in London.
Present Tense: The sneakers / sell in those shops.
The sneakers are sold in those shops.
The books were returned late to the library by the kids. Is this the passive voice or reported speech?
Passive voice
Fashion trends are followed by Susan.
He said that he was finished with his girlfriend.
How do we change this to direct speech?
"I am finished with my girlfriend."
"I walk along Gran Vía on my commute to work," he said.
How do we write this in the reported speech?
He said that he walked along Gran Vía on his commute to work.
Past Tense: Soccer / play by the group of friends.
Soccer was played by the group of friends.
She said that she had got a piano lesson that day. Is this the passive voice or reported speech?
Reported speech
Past Simple to Passive: Sara enjoyed the movies last week.
The movies were enjoyed by Sara last week.
The movies were enjoyed last week by Sara.
"I travel a lot in my job," Frank said.
How do we change this to the reported speech?
Frank said that he travelled a lot in his job.
She told me they had lived in China for five years.
How do we write this in the direct speech?
"We lived in China for five years," she told me.
Past Tense: The groceries / buy by my roommates.
The groceries were bought by my roommates.
A beautiful song will be sung by Anne. Is this the passive voice or reported speech?
Passive voice
Past Simple to Passive: The company hired new workers last month.
New workers were hired by the company last month.
New workers were hired last month by the company.
He told me that he had loved the concert.
How do we change this to direct speech?
"I loved the concert."
"Do you love me?" (subject = he)
How do we write this in the reported speech?
He asked me if I loved him.