The movie "Inglorious Bastards" was directed by...
It was directy by Quentin Taratino
"Othello" was written by...
"Othello" was written by Shakespeare.
"The Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" were painted by...
They were painted by Leonardo da Vinci
The light bulb was invented by...
The light bulb was invented by Edison.
The Law of Gravity was discovered by...
The law of Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton
Who was the first Guatemala who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature?
Miguel Angel Asturias
During which period was "The Boy with the Striped Pajamas" set?
"The Boy with the Striped Pajamas" was set during the WWII.
Where is the largest collection of Picasso works located?
The largest collection of Picasso works is located in Barcelona.
Who invented the first airplane?
The first airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers.
The first Iphone was released in 2007. Who was it designed by?
It was designed by Steve Jobs.
Where was "Lord of the Rings" filmed?
"Lord of the Rings" was filmed in New Zealand.
"Harry Potter" was written by....
It was written by J.K Rowling.
"Pride and Prejudice" was written by...
It was written by Jane Austen.
The telephone was invented by...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
When was the first man landed on the moon?
In 1969
When was the movie "Joker 2" released?
It was released in October, 2024.
Who was the writer of the book in which the film "Oliver Twist" was based on?
"Oliver Twist" was written by Charles Dickens.
"The Scream" was painted by...
"The Scream" was painted by Munsch.
In which city was the Eiffel Tower built?
Shakespeare’s plays are performed around the world. In which country was Shakespeare born?
He was born in England.
The movie Jurassic Park was directed by...
It was directed by Steven Spielberg.
Which century was "Frankenstein" written?
"Frankenstein" was written in the 1800s.
In which museum is "The Mona Lisa" displayed?
It is displayed in the Louvre Museum.
The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by....
It was given by France.