When did the feast of the Passover happen? Be specific.
Moses asked the Pharoah to let the Israelites go, but the Pharoah refused. So the last plague that God sent was to kill Egypt's firstborn. The Israelites celebrated the Passover during this plague.
What is transubstantiation?
Bread Wine turn into Body and Blood of Christ.
Who is the perfect sacrifice?
During the feast, what gift are we giving to the Father?
What is the perfect prayer?
The mass
When did Jesus celebrate the Passover?
At the last supper with his apostles.
Who received the first Holy Communion?
The apostles.
The mass is the same sacrifice as Jesus's sacrifice at where?
When did Christ institute the Eucharist?
The Last Supper
Is the sacrifice of the mass is the same as the sacrifice of the Cross?
Yes, the only difference is the manner of offering.
What is the meaning of the unleavened bread?
It's a remembrance of the exodus when the Israelites didn't have time for the bread to rise.
Who has the power to turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ?
The priests
To save us, we continually use ______ as a sacrifice to the Father, through the use of the ________, in which, he has the power to turn the bread and wine into the Eucharist.
Jesus and Priest
Should we celebrate the Mass alone? Why?
No, we should celebrate with our love ones, our family.
Daily Double
Why did Jesus create the Eucharist?
So that we can re-present and recall the sacrifice of the cross through the Eucharist.
What is the offered victim during the celebration feast of the Passover?
Paschal Lamb/ Spotless Lamb
What is the offered victim when we celebrate Mass?
Jesus is the offered victim.
Why is the mass is a memorial?
It calls to remind us of the death and resurrection of Christ.
While attending the sacred banquet, how should we act?
By being reverent, genuflect, dress appropriately, and participate.
What are the 4 ends of the mass?
A- Adoration- supreme worhsip
C- Contrition- make goods for sins
T- Thanksgiving- be thankful for Jesus
S- Supplication- a petition
What did the Hebrews do with the spotless lamb?
Kill the lamb, eat the lamb, and put blood of the lamb on their doorpost.
What is the Eucharist?
What is a sacrifice?
Why is Mass a celebration?
Jesus died for the sins of all mankind.
He opened the gates of Heaven for us.
He offers himself through the Eucharist each day.
What is the holy mass?
Is a memorial of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.