We eat these square crackers on Passover.
What is matzah?
The book we read from during the seder is called this.
I led the Israelites out of Egypt!
Who is Moses?
The Jews became slaves in this country.
What is Egypt?
How many Plagues are there
These are often found floating in the chicken soup.
What are matzah balls?
During the seder, we drink this many cups of wine.
What is four?
What is Moses father name
Moses saw this burning before he heard God's voice.
What is a bush?
How long did the 9th Plague (Darkness) Last?
Three days
This mixture of apples, wine, and nuts represents the mortar the Israelites used to build cities.
What is charoset.
Towards the end of the Seder, we open the door for this prophet to visit.
Who is Elijah?
I'm the bad guy of the story who said NO when Moses asked me to let his people go.
Who is Pharaoh?
This Hebrew word means "it would have been enough."
What did G-d make rain on Pharaoh and his people?
A green vegetable is dipped in this to represent the slaves' tears.
What is salt water?
In addition to the wise child, the simple child, and the child who doesn't know how to ask, this child's voice is part of the Seder.
Who is the wicked child?
What river did Moses mother put Moses in
Put him in a basket in the nile river
These are the first four words of the Four Questions.
What are mah nishtanah halailah hazeh?
Who did G-d order to touch the Nile river with his staff to turn it into Blood.
This spicy condiment is meant to represent the bitterness of slavery.
What is maror or horseradish?
You can't finish the Seder until the kids find this.
What is the Afikoman?
I'm Moses's older sister and I led the women of the Exodus!
Who is Miriam?
During the Seder, who is suppose to ask the four questions
The youngest Child/Chlidren
What did the Jewish people do so the first born wouldn't die
Put Lamb blood on their Doors