coming or arrival
How many times does it happen?
Twice a liturgical year
How long does it last?
3 days
What do we celebrate?
Jesus's rising from the dead
The magi took 12 days to reach Jesus after his birth?
No, it took about a year. That's why herod ordered all males 2 and under to be executed.
What is it recognized for being?
The longest season in the liturgical calender
What does the word Lent mean?
What is it's status
the shortest
What are the easter colours?
White and Gold
What are the season's "signature" colours? (In the church, not meaning the famous red, white, green combo)
White and gold
What comes after the last Ordinary Time?
Advent, which restarts the cycle
How long does it last on the Gregorian (modern) calendar?
46 days, because Sundays exist in time
What's it's colour
How long does it last?
50 Days
How many candles can there be?
5 candles
What does it's green symbolize?
What can't you consume?
MEAT alllllll MEAT
What are the names of it's days? (doesn't need order)
Holy Thursday
Holy Saturday
Good Friday
What is it's placement in length?
Second longest
What town and where was Jesus born?
Bonus: What town was he raised in, and what profession was his family in?
Bethlehem, in an innkeeper's stable
Bonus: His foster father was a carpenter and he was raised in Nazereth
What does the Ordinary really mean?
What is the mood?
DOUBLE POINTS (recommended to do the one for 400 first)
What does it's days represent/what happened on the days?
Holy Thursday - The last supper
Good Friday - Jesus Died
Holy Saturday - Jesus was buried in the tomb
Easter bunny came from? And when?
Protestant European Areas (such as germany) and was made around the 17th century