past continuous vs simple
past simple vs perfect
all past tenses
will vs going to
all future tenses

When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’, I still tried / was still trying to finish the last question  

said, was still trying


There was a terrible atmosphere in the room. They (have) an argument just before I (come). 

had had, came


Matthew (be) upset because he (lose) his lucky T-shirt.

was, had lost


A: Why are you carrying your laptop?
B: I (do) some homework on the train.

am going to do


The movie (start) at 5. But look at this traffic, we (be) late.

starts, are going to be


When you saw / were seeing me yesterday, I didn’t go / wasn’t going to school, I went / was going to the doctor’s – I felt terrible.

saw, wasn't going, was going


By the time I (move) into my own apartment, I (finish) high school

moved, had finished


By the time we (get) to the station, the train (already leave), so we (decide) to wait for another one.

got, had left, decided


A: Did you remember to buy the tickets?
B: Oh no, it slipped my mind! I (buy) them online now.

will buy


A: What are your plans for the summer?
B: I (travel) to the beach with my family.
A: That sounds fun! I guess I (stay) at home in June but in July (fly) to Paris.

am going to travel, stay at home, are flying


My little sister (draw) a picture while I (study) for my French exam.

was drawing, was studying


Last summer, Jake (learn) to cook before his friends (come) to visit. They all (enjoy) the delicious food he (make).

had learnt, came, enjoyed, had made


It was Sunday afternoon. I (watch) a cookery program on TV when I (realise) how hungry I was. But of course I (be) hungry - I (not eat) anything since lunch.

was watching, realised, was, hadn't eaten


Correct the mistakes.

I think that in a few years all students are having tablets at school

will have


This weekend, I (help) my friend move to a new apartment. We have planned to start early in the morning. After we finish moving, I think we (go) out for lunch to celebrate.

am helping, will go

I (just finish) the essay when the screen 7 (go) black. I (lose) everything. I (scream) in frustration. My dad (come) running into my bedroom. I (almost cry) so he (give) me his laptop

was just finishing, went, lost, screamed / was screaming, came, was almost crying, gave


Before she (go) to the party, Lisa (choose) a beautiful dress that she wore with confidence. Before she (leave) the event, everyone (compliment) her on how lovely she looked.

went, had chosen, left, had complimented


In the morning, I (finish) my breakfast when my friend (call). While I (talk) on the phone, it (start) to rain. After I (hang up), I (realize) I (leave) my umbrella at work. 

was finishing / had finished, called, was talking, started, hung up, realised, had left


Correct the mistakes.

Look at the grey sky! Do you think it snows this afternoon?

is going to snow


I want to learn how to make new dishes. Next month, I (take) a cooking class but I haven't signed up yet. After my first class, I (invite) my friends over for dinner to taste my food. I hope they (enjoy) it!

am going to take, am going to invite, will enjoy


Once, when I (try) to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery (run out). I (lie) on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to concentrate. I also (chat) to my friend Daniel on Facebook.

was trying, ran out, was lying , was chatting


When they (arrive) at the beach, they (realise) they (forget) their sunscreen, so they quickly (buy) some at a nearby shop. After they (apply) it, they (enjoy) swimming in the ocean and building sandcastles.

arrived, realized, had forgotten, bought, had applied, enjoyed


Last week, I (visit) the museum before I (go) to the park. While I (walk) in the park, I (see) a beautiful bird. I (never / see) a bird like that before.

had visited, went, was walking, saw, had never seen


LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan
TANYA: I  (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court theater.
LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet
TANYA: NO, I (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would you like to come?
LAURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.
TANYA: OK, I (get) you a ticket too.

am going to see, am going to get, will get


- (you / do) anything interesting this weekend?
- I (meet) Jane at 8 o'clock on Saturday. We (have) a party. Would you like to come?
- I (think) about it

are you doing, am meeting, are having, will think
