Past Simple
Past Continuous
Should/Should not

When I was child, I climbed a tree near my grandparent's home

(1 error) 

When I was A child, I climbed a tree near my parents home.


Last year, I went to a Taylor Swift concert. At 18:00 PM, I was prepared my outfit before leaving my home.

(1 Error)

Last year, I went to a Taylor Swift concert. At 18:00 PM, I was preparing my outfit before leaving my home.


Plastic, metal, and glass (should/should not) all be recycled



After getting into the car you (have to/don’t have to) put on a seatbelt

Have to


Last month, I breaked my arm after I felled down the stairs.

(2 errors)

Last month, I broke my arm after I fell down the stairs.


Yesterday, my stomach feeling bad, so I went to the Doctor to see if I had an stomach infection

(1 error)

Yesterday, my stomach was feeling bad, so I went to the Doctor to see if I had a stomach infection.


In order to save energy and money on electricity, we should...

turn off the lights.


Before traveling to a new country, you (have to/ don’t have to) become fluent in that countries language.

Don’t have to


Last Summer, my friends and I was in Berlin to see a concert. We were in the city for three day, and the band played for three and a half hour.

(3 Errors)

Last Summer, my friends and I were in Berlin to see a concert. We were in the city for three days, and the band played for three and a half hours.


I was waited in the bus stop when I saw my friend. We say hi to each other, then leave.

(3 errors)

I was waiting at the bus stop when I saw my friend. We said hi to each other, then left.


In order to keep our community clean, we should pick up...



What is an example of the past continuous form?

Pronoun + was + ing


In the Summer, Spain won the EUFA Eurocup tournament. I see all the matches that tournament. The first match of the Eurocup, we was in a bus going to France. In the final match, England play versus Spain and obviously Spain win. Then, there is a party after.

In the Summer, Spain won the EUFA Eurocup tournament. I saw all the matches that tournament. The first match of the Eurocup, we were in a bus going to France. In the final match, England played versus Spain and obviously Spain won. Then, there was a party after.


I have a strange dream last night. In the dream, I was doing flying in the sky, but then I was fall. Then, I wake up.

(4 errors)

I had a strange dream last night. In the dream, I was flying in the sky, but then I fell. Then. I woke up.


This type of bag should always be recycled. 



If you (have to/don’t have to) go to the bathroom, you (should/ should not) raise your hand.

Have to/ should


My favorite memories of 2024 are the days I go out with my friends. We go to a party and after we was played bowling and we win.

(4 errors)

My favorite memories of 2024 are the days I went out with my friends. We went to a party and we played bowling and we won.


Yesterday, I go to the beach and did a swimming. While I swimming, I was seeing a shark!

(4 errors)

Yesterday, I went to the beach and swam. While I was swimming, I saw a shark!


Food should never be…



Last week, my friend and I was climbing the tree in my Grandmother’s home until she came outside and yelled at us to climbed down.

(3 errors)

Last week, my friend and I were climbing the tree near my Grandmother’s home until she came outside and yelled at us to climb down.
