The lyrics, “Here I raise my Ebenezer," are found in the 2nd verse of this well known hymn written by Robert Robinson in 1758.
What is Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing?
The twin sons of Rebekah.
Who are Jacob and Esau?
The second shortest book in the New Testament.
What is 2 John?
This was the color of the carpet in the main auditorium before the current color.
What is blue?
Fluor Field is a miniature replica of this Major League Baseball stadium.
What is Fenway Park?
The third verse of this hymn contains the words "dangers, toils, and snares."
What is Amazing Grace?
He was protected by a donkey who stopped upon seeing the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword.
Who is Balaam?
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
Who is Nathanael?
This is the total number of staff and non-staff pastors serving our body this year.
What is 19?
This was the name for Greenville before it was called Greenville?
What is Pleasantburg?
The second line of this song exclaims, "Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!"
What is Blessed Assurance?
Who is Abigail?
The Father of John the Baptist.
According to Elexio's database, this person is our oldest member.
This popular condiment was first created and produced here in Greenville, SC.
What is Duke's mayonnaise?
This hymn's first verse ends with the line: "And pour contempt on all my pride."
What is When I Survey the Wondrous Cross?
This is the number of men that were in Gideon's army before eventually being whittled down to 300.
What is 32,000?
This Gentile had a vision, invited Peter to Caesarea, and experienced the Holy Spirit being poured out on himself and other Gentiles while Peter was speaking.
Who is Cornelius?
Out of our in-person, attending members, this person is listed as the longest standing member of HPBC (having joined in 1960).
Who is Jan Collins?
This is the name of the Performing Arts Center in downtown Greenville.
When singing this hymn's first verse, one will find themselves singing: "Bring forth the royal diadem."
What is All Hail the Power of Jesus Name?
The Israelites lived here in Egypt.
What is the land of Goshen?
The mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
What is the Mount of Olives/Mount Olivet?
As of February 21, 2025, this is how many tables (that have chairs, short or tall) are set up in the fellowship hall.
What is 14?
This is the name of the bridge that goes over Reedy River Falls.
What is The Liberty Bridge?