What is the use of a hunter's fire
for cooking
According to the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible what attitudes should the family members have toward each other
respect, responsibility, honesty, obedience
communication, understanding
Name some wild plants that are edible or beneficial as a food source
blackberries, indian spiniach, paw paw shadon ben
What is the main use of a reflector fire
For baking and warmth
What does Eph 5 say about husbands
Husband love your wife as Christ loved the church
Five wild trees and shrubs that are edible
coco coolie, custard apple, fat poke, guava, sea grape
Six ways to start a fire without a match
compressed air
curved glass
metal match
WHat does Eph 5: say about wives
Submit yourselves to your husband as to the lord
how do you test a wild plant to see if it is good for ingestion
smell the part of the plant
test the part of the plant on your skin
taste a small amount
take note of any smells or colors that indicate danger
what are the Ws of selecting a good campsite
Wild things
what principles about family life is taught in Adventist Home Chapter 17
compassion love
identify two plants that are good for food but can be dangerous if not used correctly or if the wrong part is ingested
jamacian ackee
two ways to keep camp food cool
use a quality cooler
place items in cool water
use some salt on the ice
how can you show concern for your neighours
inviting them to special events
offering your service
giving gifts and sharing
name one plant that is safe to eat but has a poisonous look alike