In the thyroid system, which gland stores the hormones?
Too little growth hormone causes what?
Where are goiters located on the body?
What glands are exocrine glands?
Sweat glands, lacrimal glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, intestines
Primary thyroid disorder is a disease of what?
Secondary thyroid disorder is a disorder/disease of what?
Primary: thyroid gland
Secondary: pituitary and/or hypothalamus
Cushing’s disease and addison’s disease are caused by alterations of what gland?
The adrenal cortex
What are the hormones secreted by the thyroid?
T3, T4, and calcitonin
What parts of the body are effected by hypothyroidism?
Eyebrows (hair loss) brain (depression, forgetfulness), skin (dry, puffy face), heart (slower hr), GI tract (constipation), nails (brittle), women’s reproductive systems (heavy periods, infertility)
What is the definition of an exocrine gland?
They secrete their substances through ducts onto the body’s surfaces instead of into the bloodstream
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common cause of what?
What is the last resort to fix hyperthyroidism?
Removal of the thyroid
What are the two hormones secreted by the adrenal glands?
Cortex and medulla hormones
Specifically, where is the thyroid gland? (Not just the neck)
Below the larynx
What are common disorders of the exocrine glands?
Sjögren's syndrome and cystic fibrosis
How is hypothyroidism treated?
Thyroid replacement medications
What are some causes of secondary hypocortisolism?
Genetic, removal of adrenals, hemorrage, AIDS, steroid medications
Cushing’s disease is the result of too much of what hormone?
Where are the parathyroid glands located and how many are there?
Located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland
Describe the structure of an exocrine gland (two portions)
Ductal portion- tube shape, may be branched or unbranched
Glandular portion- responsible for secretion, cluster of cellsWhat causes hyperthyroidism?
Graves disease
Nodular thyroid disease
Taking too much thyroid hormone
Too much iodine
Adrenal medulla hyperfunction causes what kind of tumors?
Describe the overactivity and underactivity of calcitonin
Overactivity- increase bone Ca, decrease bone Ca, tetany
Underactivity- increase blood Ca, decrease bone Ca, osteoporosis, kidney stones
Which cells in the body depend on thyroid hormones?
Most common type of exocrine secretion?
Describe the feedback control of hormone production in the thyroid?
Hypothalamus secretes thyroid releasing hormone (trh) which goes to the anterior pituitary gland which secretes thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) which goes to the thyroid gland that secretes T3 and T4 (th).
Increase (th), decrease (tsh)
Decrease (th), increase (tsh)