This score, ranging from 0 to 13, is used to predict the success of labor induction
What is the Bishop Score?
This term describes having five or more births and is a contraindication for using prostaglandins in labor induction.
What is grand multiparity?
This term describes a woman experiencing her first pregnancy, which is a risk factor for gestational hypertension
What is primigravida?
This low-dose medication, taken daily from 12-28 weeks of gestation, can help prevent preeclampsia
What is low-dose aspirin (81 mg)?
This severe condition involves new-onset grand mal seizures in a patient with preeclampsia.
What is eclampsia?
This component of the Bishop Score measures the degree of cervical thinning.
What is effacement?
These three factors must be assessed before labor induction to ensure the safety of the mother and baby
What are gestation of the fetus, position of the fetus, and size of the fetus in relation to the mother’s pelvis?
This medication is the drug of choice for severe or acute hypertension in pregnancy, defined as >160/>110
What is hydralazine?
This severe complication of preeclampsia involves hepatic dysfunction, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count
What is HELLP syndrome?
Pain reported in the right upper quadrant or epigastric due to this syndrome.
What is a symptom of HELLP?
A Bishop Score of this number or greater is associated with a successful labor induction.
What is 8?
This side effect of prostaglandins involves painful contractions that can lead to uterine rupture or hemorrhage
What is uterine hyperstimulation?
This serious condition, characterized by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria or end-organ dysfunction after 20 weeks of gestation, can develop from gestational hypertension
What is preeclampsia?
These two age groups are considered risk factors for developing preeclampsia
What are age <18 and >35 years?
These two conditions are risk factors for developing preeclampsia, involving chronic diseases affecting blood sugar and immune system.
What are diabetes and lupus?
This term describes the softening of the cervix, which is assessed as part of the Bishop Score.
What is cervical ripening?
Medications are commonly used for cervical ripening
What are dinoprostone or misoprostol or Cytotec?
These two classes of blood pressure medications are notably absent from the list of safe medications for pregnant women with hypertension
What are ACE inhibitors and ARBs?
This medication, a calcium antagonist and CNS depressant, is used to manage severe preeclampsia by relaxing smooth muscles.
What is magnesium sulfate?
This effect on the fetus can occur due to maternal seizures in eclampsia, leading to hypercontractile and hypertonic uterus
What is fetal distress or imminent birth?
These five factors are evaluated to calculate the Bishop Score.
What are dilation, effacement, station, cervical consistency, and cervical position?
This is when the uterus has more than 5 contractions in 10 minutes which could lead to hyperstimulation
What is uterine tachysystole?
This leads to shallow, narrow arteries instead of deeply implanted large vasodilated arteries, contributing to preeclampsia
What is abnormal spiral artery remodeling?
This leads to placental and fetal hypoperfusion
What is abnormal spiral artery remodeling?
The blood pressure medications that can be used safely in pregnancy
What are hydralazine, labetolol, methyldopa, and nifedipine?