Quotes from Classmates
Building Expectations
As the Year Ends
Pathways' Staff

During the student fishbowl, this classmate said, "You don't have to cuss out a teacher if she's telling you something. That's just petty." 

Who is Keijuan Ball?


True or False: I am allowed to hang out in the Library whenever I choose as long as I don't disrupt the class happening in there at that time.

What is False?


The last day of school for Seniors and our all school Field Day is this date.

What is May 24, 2019?


Name one of the four Access and Opportunity staff members housed in room 210.

Who is:

- Mr. Gold

- Mr. Brieloff

- Ms. Webster

- Ms. Malone?

This word what the main topic addressed at the Fishbowl Assembly hosted by your classmates addressed these - specifically about Pathways. (HINT: the word begins with S)

What is stereotypes?


At the fishbowl assembly, this classmate said, "This school changed me. I'm nothing like I was at Pioneer."

Who is Greg Cullins?


True or False: Pathways is an open campus. I can come and go without signing in or out.

What is False?

The graduation ceremony at WCC will be held on this Monday (name the date).

What is June 3, 2019?


This staff member organizes STRIVE, leads ZingPath, arranges Lunch and Learn, organizes our career fairs, manages half your transcripts and has her beautiful baby in the Pathways daycare.

Who is Ms. Bailey-Johnson?


"Doing the right thing even if nobody is watching" is also described by this word (HINT: It begins with the letter I).

What is integrity?


At the fishbowl assembly, this classmate said, "I know a lot of people who don't want to get up and go to school in the morning, but I put in my work. I take care of my business. That's all you gotta do."

Who is Aleo Leath?


Basketball in the gym is a privilege. Mr. Ford asks that nobody brings this to keep it calm and clean.

What is food? 

(What is Drama also earns points!)


The Cedar Point 3-Strike Challenge expects you to meet these 3 expectations.

What are:

- get to class on time

- obtain a pass to leave class

- stay in class until the bell rings?


This staff member should be nicknamed "The Duck Whisperer" for his hard work caring for baby ducks in the courtyard every year.

Who is Mr. Burke?


This P word means "to make an idea (usually negative) continue indefinitely" (HINT: It isn't perpetrate).

What is perpetuate?


At the fishbowl assembly, this classmate said, "Just because we go here does not mean we are under anyone or any other school." 

Who is Chris Stephens?


You are allowed to be tired. You are allowed to feel frustrated. You are allowed to need space. You are allowed to ask for a pass and take a break. You are allowed to let your teacher know you're having a bad day. You are not allowed to...

What is

- any answer that describes a common unreasonable behavior (Ms. J has the discretion to award points or not)


Graduation rehearsal is from 3pm-5pm at WCC on this date.

What is May 31, 2019?


This staff member recently lived in Chicago, but has also worked at Skyline, Pioneer, Community and now Pathways.

Who is Mr. Stern?


The name of this type of justice focuses on repairing the harm done to a community when a wrong has been committed. It allows everyone opportunities to recover from mistakes.

What is restorative justice?


At the fishbowl assembly, this classmate said, "Everyone has their own story, their own stuff going on. You don't know what they are going through. That's why I always say, 'what up' to everyone and greet them."

Who is Carson Bins?


Name the 3 R's that are posted all around the building and should guide your behavior and decisions about how to be in our building.

What are

- Be reasonable

- Be responsible

- Be respectful?


The last day of school and the tentative date for Cedar Point is this date.

What is June 14, 2019?


This staff member teaches ESL classes.

Who is Ms. Petrini?


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another is said by many professionals to be the most important skill to master in any profession and in all relationships.

What is EMPATHY?
