Core Values
Ochsner Facts
Name that Skill

I respect the dignity and needs of patients, customers, families and guests. I work with purpose to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those I serve.

What is Patients First?


This document should be sent to a patient within 7 business days of a grievance being opened.

What is an acknowledgement/ 7-day letter?


This platform is used by staff, leaders, and ambassadors to input feedback and the number of patients they have seen.

What is iRound?


These clinics are geared toward geriatric patients. 

What are Ochsner 65 plus clinics?


Restores trust and confidence in our ability to get it right. Usually happens after a patient expresses a concern.

What is Service Recovery? 


I have the courage to do the right things, at the right time, for the right reason. I hold myself and others accountable for delivering on our promises and commitments

What is Integrity?


These options are available when a patient has demonstrated inappropriate behavior or communication to providers and staff

What is a partnership agreement or Seek Care Elsewhere?


This tool should be consistently updated by staff during each shift.  

What is a Communication Board?


Name the current and previous CEOs of Ochsner within the last ten years.

Who are Pete November and Warner Thomas?


The ability to talk a patient down if they show signs of anxiousness or defensiveness.

What is De-escalation? 


I look for opportunities to help patients, customer, guests and team members and make a conscious decision to have a positive, willing and flexible attitude in each interaction.

What is Compassion?


What is the level of Acuity Level? 

Cases when patients use trigger words, known complications, threatens legal/LDH or needs PI review.

What is acuity level 3?


True or False: 

Only Ambassadors are responsible for consistently rounding on patients.

What is False? 

Members of the care team and leadership are also responsible for producing positive outcomes by consistently rounding.


The AVP of our department.

Who is Liddy Deacon?


Going to check on patients to collect information on their experience.

What is Rounding? 


I work to exceed the expectations of my patients, customers, guests and team members.

What is Excellence?


A patient submits this form when they feel information is incorrect in their medical record. 

What is a Patient Amendment Request?


You are entering a patient room that is under contact precautions. Name 3 types of PPE you may have to use. 

What is gown, mask, and gloves?


These 5 states contain Ochsner hospitals and/or clinics.

What is Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Alabama?


The ability to take on another's perspective, to understand, feel, and possibly share and respond to their experience

What is Empathy?


I treat all people with dignity, celebrate individual differences and take the initiative to understand and show respect for others' experiences, needs, values and skills, especially where they differ from mine.

What is Inclusivity?


Complaint or Grievance? 

A patient's daughter contacts Advocacy to express that her father is inpatient, unable to speak for himself, and shares numerous concerns ranging from being left soiled to medication issues. She also shared that when an aide came to change the soiled linen the patient fell out of bed.

What is a grievance?


A Patient survey sent that allows patients/or family to share about their experience during their recent hospital stay. And what does the acronym mean? Must get both right!

What are HCAHPS?

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems.


Name the Founding Fathers of Ochsner Clinic Foundation.

Who is 

Dr. Alton Ochsner

Dr. Guy Caldwell

Dr. Edgar Burns

Dr. Francis Lejeune

Dr. Curtis Tyrone


Training solutions that create an environment of safety, where staff have the skills to confidently recognize and prevent incidents of violence among patients, families, and visitors.

Most leaders and security team members have undergone this training.

What is CPI (Crisis Prevention Intervention)?
