Domains of Learning
Basic Learning Prinicples
Nursing Process
Teaching Methods Based on Development Capacity

Involves acquiring skills that require the integration of mental and muscular activity such as the ability to walk or use an eating utensil. Includes Perception, Set, Guided response, Mechanism, Complex overt response, Adaptation, and Origination

What is Psychomotor Learning


Cognitive development influences the patient's ability to learn. You can be a competent teacher, but if you do not consider the patient's intellectual abilities, teaching is unsuccessful.

What is Developmental Capability


Goals and outcomes, Setting Priorities, Teamwork and collaboration.

What is Planning


Use role play, imitation, and play to make learning fun. Encourage questions and offer explanations, Use simple explanations and demonstrations. Encourage them to learn together through pictures and short stories about how to perform hygiene.

What is Preschooler


An older adult is being started on a new antihypertensive medication. In teaching the patient about the medication, the nurse: 1. Speaks loudly 2. Presents the information once. 3. Expects the patient to understand the information quickly. 4. Allows the patient time to express himself or herself and ask questions.

What is (4) allows the patient time to express himself or herself and ask questions.


Deals with expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes,opinos,or values. Includes Receiving,responding, valuing, organizing and characterizing

What is Affective Learning


A temporary or permanent loss of health is often difficult for patients to accept. They need to grieve,and the process of grieving gives them time to adapt to the emotioal and physical implications.

What is Psychosocial Adaptation to illness


Maintaining Learning attention and participation. building on existing knowledge, teaching approaches (telling, participating, entrusting, and reinforcing), Incorporating Teaching with nursing care. Instructional methods (one-on-one discussion, group instruction, preparatory instruction, demonstrations, analogies, role play, simulation) Illiteracy and other disabilities, and Cultural Diversity.

What is Implementation


Teach psychomotor skills needed to maintain health. Offer opportunities to discuss health problems and answer questions.

What is School-age Child


A patient with chest pain is having an emergency cardiac catheterization. Which teaching approach does the nurse use in this situation? 1. Telling approach 2. Selling approach 3. Entrusting approach 4. Participating approach

What is (1) Telling approach


Includes all intellectual behaviors and requires thinking. Includes knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis

What is Cognitive


Learning occurs when the patient is actively involved in the educational session. A patient's involvement in learning implies and eagerness to acquire knowledge or skills.

What is Active Participation


Learning needs, Motivation to learn, Ability to learn, Teaching environment, resources for learning, health literacy and learning disabilities

What is Assessment


Help them learn about feelings and need for self-expression. Use teaching as collaborative activity. Allow them to make decisions about health and health promotion. Use problem solving to help them make choices.

What is Adolescent


A nurse is teaching a group of young college-age women the importance of using sunscreen when going out in the sun. What type of content is the nurse providing? 1. Simulation 2. Restoring health 3. Coping with impaired function 4. Health promotion and illness prevention

What is (4) Health promotion and illness prevention


A nurse is teaching a 27-year-old gentleman how to adjust his insulin dosages based on his blood sugar results. What type of learning is this. 1. Cognitive 2. Affective 3. Adaptation 4. Psychomotor

What is Cognitive learning


They are able to critically reflect on their current situation and sometimes need help to see their problems and change their perspectives.

What is Adult Learning


It is classified by the three learning domains to help you focus specifically on subject matter and teaching method.

What is Nursing Diagnosis


Encourage participation in teaching plan by setting mutual goals. Encourage independent learning. Offer information so they understands effects of health problem.

What is Young or Middle Adult


A nurse is planning a teaching session about healthy nutrition with a group of children who are in first grade. The nurse determines that after the teaching session the children will be able to name three examples of foods that are fruits. This is an example of: 1. A teaching plan 2. A learning objective 3. Reinforcement of content 4. Enhancing the children's self-efficacy.

What is (2) A learning objective


A patient needs to learn to use a walker. Which domain is required for learning this skill? 1. Affective domain 2. Cognitive domain 3. Attentionall domain 4. Psychomotor domain

What is Psychomotor domain


The ability to learn often depends on the patient's level of physical development and overall physical health. To learn psychomotor skills, a patient needs to possess a certain level of strength, coordination, and sensory acuity.

What is Physical Capability


Where the patient's goals or outcomes realistic and observable. Did the patient value the information provided? Was the patient willing to change an existing or adopt a new behavior? What barriers prevented learning or change in behaviors? Is the patient able to perform the behavior or skill in the natural setting?

What is Evaluation


Teach when patient is alert and rested. Involve adult in discussion or activity. Focus on wellness and person's strength. Use approaches that enhance sensorially impaired patient's reception of stimuli. and Keep teacing sessions short.

What is Older Adult


The nurse is planning to teach a patient about the importance of exercise. When is the best time for teaching to occur? Select all that apply 1. Where there are visitors in the room 2. When the patient's pain medications are working. 3. Just before lunch, when the patient is most awake and alert 4. When the patient is talking about current stressors in his or her life

What is (2) WHen the patient's pain medications are working and (3) Just before lunch, when the patient is most awake and alert.
