How many identifiers are used for providing care, treatment, or services?
Two or more
Use only ______ abbreviations.
What are at least 5 items to be included in a Surgical Time Out?
Correct patient; Correct procedure(s); Correct site is marked and verified; Consent is accurate; All equipment is immediately available; Implants are available; Allergies; Antibiotics, as applicable; Relevant images; Fire safety is addressed; Patient-specific concerns are addressed.
What are the "5 Rights" of medication Administration?
Right Medication;
Right patient; Right dose;
Right time; Right route
What two identifiers can be used to accurately identify a patient?
Name, date of birth
True or False: Bleach wipes can be used to clean everything, including equipment.
False: There are various cleaning products depending on the surface.
What would you do if you identified a patient safety event that almost happened but was caught before it reached the patient?
Enter a Safety Zone "Near Miss" occurrence report.
What happens when safety concerns are not reported?
Safety concerns will not be addressed if they are not known.
FYI--Multidose vials will also be used for one patient only and discarded (one-and-done).
What do you check prior to any patient interaction?
Patient Armband
When do we need to clean items such as exam tables, equipment, etc.?
After each patient use
How do you report a patient and/or employee who is being verbally and/or physically abusive?
Notify your Team Lead or other leadership member immediately followed by filling out a Work-Place-Violence event in Safety Zone.
What would you do to help prevent misunderstanding about an order?
Ask a clarifying question
What is used to distinguish sound alike and look alike medications?
Tallman lettering (ex: ceFAZolin).
Who can interpret for a non-English speaking patient?
A certified interpreter (should not be family or support person)
What protective equipment is used to disinfect endoscopes.
Gown, gloves, and masks
What should you do if you identify a patient who is at risk for falls?
Apply a "Fall Risk" wristband to alert other staff.
What does RCA stand for?
Root Cause Analysis -- this will be used to determine root causes when an error or potential harmful event occurs.
What steps should be taken when handling Hazardous Drugs (USP 800)?
Inspect the packaging for suspected breakage; Use appropriate PPE; Discard the items in specially marked containers labeled as Hazardous waste; Surgical instrumentation will be wiped with bleach.
What medications/treatments require a dual-sign off?
Insulin and pediatric doses.
When must hand hygiene be performed using soap and water instead of hand sanitizer?
After using the restroom or when visibly soiled.
Who is CRSC's Laser Safety Officer?
Scott Christenson
How should patients who arrive from a correctional facility in shackles be transported throughout the facility?
Either in a wheelchair or stretcher -- they should NOT be walking in shackles.
What will be immediately available whenever IC-Green dye is administered?
The anaphylactic emergency box.