How many identifiers are used for providing care, treatment, or services?
When can we accept verbal orders?
During an emergency situation
How long must someone wash their hands with soap and water.
20 seconds
Happy Birthday song
What is one error prevention strategy?
Acceptable answers
Know why and comply
Stop and resolve
What are the 7 rights of medication administration?
Patient, Medication, Time, Dose, Route/Site, Allergies, Expiration Date
What two identifiers can be used to accurately identify a patient?
Name, Date of Birth
How can we communicate with a patient that speak a language other than English
Interpreter iPad or Interpreter phone
What protective equipment is used in isolation.
Gown, gloves, and masks
What does S.T.A.R stand for?
Stop. Think. Act. Review
What are the three parts of a syringe?
Plunger, Barrel, Tip
Why do we need a PHI form on a patient?
needed in healthcare because it allows healthcare providers to access and manage a patient's complete medical history, enabling them to make informed treatment decisions
What is a copay?
a fixed amount you pay for a specific service like a doctor's visit.
How long is a room shut down for and what do we clean with for measles exposure
At least 2 hrs and should be clean with Micro Kill wipes
What does A.R.C.C stand for?
Ask. Request. Concern. Chain of Command
Where are medications prepared?
Quiet Zone
What goes on a red clip board?
Emergency form
Where is a Rocephin injection given?
Ventrogluteal muscle
How often should triage rooms be cleaned/sterilized
After every patient
What do you put on a patient that is complaining of weakness and dizziness
Yellow wrist band (fall risk bracelet)
What needs to be on the medication administration label
Patients name, name of medication, strength, amount, diluent if applicable, prep date/time, discard date/time and
What form should we get from a patient every 363 days
NMG Consent or MyChart Consent form
What is an indicator of distress?
(Definition answer)
a noticeable change in behavior, mood, or physical presentation that suggests someone is experiencing a life-threatening situation
what are the 5 moments of hand hygiene?
Before touching a patient, before a clean/aseptic procedure, after body fluid exposure, after touching a patient, after touching patient surroundings
What is Reaching for Zero?
Norton Healthcare's aim to eliminate preventable harm to our patients, guests and one another