The baby promised to Abraham in his old age....
Who is Isaac
In Genesis 22:2 God commanded Abraham to do what?
Go to Moriah and sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering.
According to Hebrew 11:6 what must a person have when they come to God?
Everyone to comes to God "must believe that he exists" and believe "that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him."
In Genesis 24:1 How had the Lord blessed Abraham?
"In every way"
What did God do that delayed judgement on Sodom and Gommorah?
God sent angels to warn Lot and his family.
The three words that sum up the great story of the Bible.
What are Creation, the Fall, and Redemtion
What reason is given for God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? (Genesis 22:1)
God was testing Abraham
How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
Abraham was 100 years old
Why did Abraham have his servant swear to him that he would get Isaac a wife from Abraham's own bloodline?
Because God had told him not to marry with other people groups who did not know who God was.
How did God show grace to Lot
God rescued Lot and his daughters from the destruction
What 3 words sum up God's promises to Abraham
Land, blessing, and seed
Why was Abraham willing to obey God and sacrifice his only son?
He believed that God would raise Isaac from the dead.
Who was Ishmael?
Ishmael was Abraham's son through Hagar the servant.
What did Abraham's servant do when he got to the town of Nahor at the well?
His servant prayed that he would know the girl for Isaac because she would offer to water all 10 of the camels.
Why did Sarah laugh when God told her she would have a baby in the next year?
Sarah laughed because she thought the idea of her having a baby at her age sounded ridiculous.
God promised to bless the world through Abraham's "seed". Who did God send as a fulfillment to that promise?
Who is Jesus Christ-the Savior and Redeemer of the World
Who stopped Abraham from killing Isaac?
The Angel of the LORD (Pre-incarnate Jesus)
Why did Abraham take Hagar as a second wife?
He thought it was the only way to have a son. Sarah gave him permission thinking that Abraham would not have a decedent to inherit their land and possessions.
Who came to the well and what did she do?
Rebekah came and she offered to get water for the servant and all the camels.
What were the two reasons that 2 angels and the Angel of the Lord visited Abraham and Sarah?
To tell Sarah that she would have a son next year and to warn Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed.
Abraham walked by ________________, not sight.
What is Faith
According to Hebrews 11:6 what is the one and only thing that pleases God?
What do we call the group of people who are related by blood to Abraham?
They are the Hebrew people or the Israelites.
2 things that Abraham's servant did when he found out Rebekah was from Nahor's family...
1.He bowed down and worshiped the Lord. 2.He gave Rebekah gold bracelets and rings
According to Hebrews chapter 11 what did Abraham believe/reason God could do if he sacrificed Isaac?
He believed God would raise Isaac from the dead.