Roosevelt's New Deal

Under this President, government became larger, the Democratic Party strengthened its grip on power, and people looked to the government to solve their problems for them with a "New Deal."    

Who was FDR?


Fueled by jealousy of wealthy Jewish people, this "ism" took hatred of the Jews to new levels of persecution, often blaming the Jews for economic problems, and exacting punishments.

What is anti-Semitism?


Because a bank collapse was the most serious threat to the nation, FDR called Congress into session and declared this type of holiday to give time to assess how solvent the banks actually were.  

What is a bank holiday?  


This country invented a new type of warfare called "blitzkrieg" in which various branches of the military combine their efforts with lightning speed, using the element of surprise.  

Who was Germany?


Known for his almost hypnotic oratory skills, this man rose to power in the National Socialist German Workers' Party by emphasizing nationalism and anti-Semitism.  

Who was Adolf Hitler?


This policy advocates not getting involved in other countries' wars.  The US engaged in this, leaving France and Britain to deal with Germany themselves, until war could no longer be avoided when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.  

What is isolationism?  


This group of intellectuals was gathered by FDR to help him create policies that would stimulate the economy and put Americans back to work.  

What was the Brain Trust?


This country sent agents into the United States to attempt to draw the US into WWII by cooking polls and distributing propaganda. 

Who was Britain?


Roosevelt's ambassador to Russia called this man quiet, self-effacing and personally kind" despite the fact that this man was exterminating all his opponents.

Who was Joseph Stalin?


This type of government flourished under Joseph Stalin, who forced the Soviet Union into rapid industrialization and the collectivism of agriculture.

What is communism?  


This New Deal initiative put young men to work doing manual labor related to developing natural resources and protecting the land.  

What was the CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps?


Troops from Italy invaded this north African country in 1936, causing their emperor to beg for help from the League of Nations.  The League of Nations turned a deaf ear.

Who was Ethiopia?


Also known as "Il Duce" (the leader) this man led Italy into fascism by censoring bad press, and consolidating all power into his own hands.  

Who was Benito Mussolini?


The belief that a nation should be self-governed and sovereign, with freedom to promote a love of country and its traditions.  Hitler harnessed the love of their "Fatherland" to prepare Germans to die for their country.   

What is nationalism?


This judicial group found many of the components of the New Deal unconstitutional, resulting in FDR seeking to dilute their power by adding more justices.  

What was the Supreme Court?  

Some of the worst atrocities against women were perpetrated by Japanese soldiers in this country in 1937.  

Who was China?


This deluded British Prime Minister naïvely suggested that he had secured "peace in our time" after signing the Munich agreement with Hitler.  Within two years, Hitler had initiated WWII.  

Who was Neville Chamberlain?

A desire to leave behind the world and its problems.  During the Great Depression, movies and radio shows allowed people to forget about their troubles and enter another world.  

What is escapism?  


This New Deal initiative created jobs in constructing art theatres, opera houses, sidewalks and bridges.  Ironically, many people could not afford to go to the opera during the Great Depression.  

What was the Works Progress Administration?  


The US assumed control of these countries in 1941 in order to ensure a sea-lane to ship goods to Britain.  

Who were Greenland and Iceland?  
