Complete this pattern
5, 14, 23, __, __
5, 14, 23, 32, 41
If Sofia gets 5 dollars each week, by the third week how much money does Sofia have?
Sofia has 15 dollars by the third week
What's the pattern rule?
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
16 + 4 = 5 x ___
Complete this pattern
17, __, 59, __, 101
17, 38, 59, 80, 101
Tyler is 167 cm tall, everyday he grows 6 cm. How tall is he by the third day?
Tyler is 185 cm
What is the pattern rule?
On Sunday Stevie has 8 flowers. Now on Tuesday she has 24 flowers.
+ 8 flowers each day
25 - ___ = 3 x 5
Complete this pattern
__ , 5, 8, __
2, 5, 8, 10
Every 4 days Theo get 1L of Sprite by the 16th day how many litres does Theo have?
At 5:50 Jason gets home because he lives in Brampton. At 6:35 he had a soccer practice. At 7:20 he went to eat dinner. 8:05 Jason goes to his bed
What is the time patterned in his schedule?
+ 45 minutes
100 ÷ 5 = __ - 20
Complete this pattern
__,14, 8, __, __
20 , 14, 8, 2 , -4
Ava's and her family go on three holidays a year. Ava is 19 now, how many holidays has she been on?
57 holidays
My grandma is 66, Mark is 55, Juda is 44, and Alex is 33.
What's the pattern rule?
+11 each time
? x 17= 136
? = 8
18 ÷ __ = 16 - 10
Complete this pattern
__, __, __, 36, 24
72, 60, 48, 36, 24
Elijah plays prodigy 8 times a week. Two months past, how much times has Elijah played prodigy
Elijah has played PRODIGY 64 times in two months.
What is the pattern rule
twelve, thirty-six, one hundred and eight, three hundred and twenty four
x 3
289 divided by a mystery number equals 17
200 - 50 = 75 x __