This is the spinning of an object around an imaginary line called and axis.
At 8am in the morning, an object's shadow is most likely facing which direction?
What do you call a huge sphere of very hot, glowing gas, that produces heat?
A star
True or False: Constellations move in the sky
False. Constellations do not move. It is the Earth's revolution around the Sun that causes us to see different constellations in the sky at different times of the year.
It takes the Earth this long to rotate on its axis one time.
24 hours
Shadows are longest during which parts of the day?
Sunrise and sunset
What is the star called that is at the center of our solar system?
The Sun
True or False: You can see all the constellations in the sky during the summer months.
This picture shows rotation or revolution?
The movement off one object around another object.
Revolution or Revolve
Shadows are often the shortest during what time of day?
Noon, or when the Sun is highest in the sky.
What two ways do scientists classify stars?
Temperature and Color
What are groups of stars that appear to form shapes?
This force is what pulls gas and dust together in space to form stars.
This causes day and night.
Rotation of the Earth on its axis.
Shadows are caused by opaque objects blocking what?
The Sun, or light source.
Compared to other stars in the universe, the Sun is an average-sized star. Why does it appear so much brighter than other stars?
The Sun is the closest star to the Earth.
Which motion of the earth causes different constellations to be visible during different seasons of the year?
Revolution-- the Earth orbiting around the Sun.
This moon phase is difficult to see because the moon's position is between the Earth and the Sun.
New Moon
What two things cause seasons to change on Earth.
The Earth's tilt on its axis and revolution around the Sun.
If the Sun is the light source that is causing the arrow's shadow, which of the following is the most likely position of the Sun?
It is much farther away than the Sun.
Which constellation can best be viewed during the summer?
The Teapot
When the part of the moon that is reflecting light grows bigger, we say it is ...