This region, including Asia Minor, was where Paul was active.
What is the Roman Empire?
This is the study of end times, including death and judgment.
What is eschatology?
This term, meaning Before Common Era, is abbreviated BCE.
What is Before Common Era?
This language was used to write the New Testament.
the New Testament.What is Greek?
This is the main theme of Philippians, despite difficult circumstances.
What is joy in Christ?
This is the oldest book in the New Testament, written by Paul around 49-51 CE.
What is 1 Thessalonians?
This belief anticipates a cataclysmic end with divine intervention.
What is apocalypticism?
This Greek translation of the Old Testament dates to the 3rd century BCE.
What is the Septuagint?
This group destroyed the Second Jewish Temple in 70 CE.
Who are the Romans?
This figure reported issues to Paul in 1 Corinthians.
Who are Chloe’s people?
Paul considered this a positive outcome of his imprisonment in Philippians 1.
What is the spread of the Gospel?
Paul’s eschatology centers on this event, the return of Christ.
What is the Parousia?
This Jewish interpretive method seeks deeper meaning in scripture.
What is midrash?
This major Roman road connected the Adriatic Sea to Byzantium.
What is the Via Egnatia?
In Romans, Paul presents Jesus as a new version of this figure.
Who is Adam?
This theory suggests Philippians is a composite of multiple letters.
What is the Multiple Letter Theory?
In 1 Thessalonians, Paul says this group will rise first at Christ’s return.
Who are the dead in Christ?
This model of atonement says believers participate in Jesus’ death via baptism.
What is the participationist model?
This Egyptian city yielded papyrus manuscripts, including early Christian texts.
What is Oxyrhynchus?
This passage, Philippians 2:5-11, outlines Christ’s humility and exaltation.
What is the Christ Hymn?
Paul defended his apostleship in 2 Corinthians by citing this as a “badge of authenticity.”
What is suffering?
This phrase in 1 Thessalonians describes the suddenness of the Second Coming.
What is “like a thief in the night”?
In Galatians, Paul compares the law to this role until Christ’s coming.
What is a babysitter?
This sect lived at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
Who are the Essenes?
In Galatians 4, these two women represent the old and new covenants.
Who are Sarah and Hagar?