The number of lines for hot lunch.
What is 2.
What is 0 or 1?
What is the RIGHT side?
You must do this before going to the restroom (2 things)
What is 1. ask permission 2. sign out?
Drive line for JH begins at this time.
What is 3:15?
The way Lunch A enters the cafe.
What is through the outside lunch room doors?
The way by which we ask or answer questions.
What is raise your hand?
The right things to do when you see trash on the floor of the hallway.
What is pick it up and throw it away?
This is what you take when you leave the classroom.
What is a hall pass or lanyard?
Voice level during drive line.
What is ZERO!
The voice level in the lunchroom.
What is 1.
The symbol used to request to go to the bathroom.
What is two fingers crossed?
The reason you walk through the hallways.
What is to get where you are going quickly. (Not talk to your friends!)
The number of people allowed in a stall.
What is ONE!
The way "walkers" are identified.
What is a backpack tag?
The way Lunch B enters the cafe.
What is through the gym?
You take this with you when you leave the classroom.
What is a hall pass or lanyard?
The amount of time you have between bells.
What is 2 minutes?
The people who correct any damage done to the bathroom.
Who are the Facilities team?
You may NOT do this during drive line.
What is use the bathroom?
The name of a lunch room attendant.
Who is "multiple answers"
Your job in the classroom.
The voice level in the hallways.
What is ZERO!!!
True or False. You may use the restroom between bells.
What is FALSE!! You must sign out in your next period before using the restroom.
The one activity you are NOT allowed to do during drive line.