The "P" in PAWS stands for.....
What is Personal Best?
The "A" in PAWS stands for...
What is Act Responsibly?
The "W" in PAWS stands for....
What is work and play safely?
The "S" in PAWS stands for...
What is Show respect?
A conversation "0" means that I need to ...
What is to not have a conversation at that time.
In the classroom, the two things that demonstrate that you are giving your personal best
What are:
1. Always giving my best effort
2. Working collaboratively with others.
In the classroom, I can show that I am acting responsibly by following directions, putting away my personal items (cell phones too) and.....
What is walking in and sitting down?
In the classroom, we keep our hands and feet to ourselves, walk on walkways, and take care of (manage)...
What are ALL classroom supplies?
At school, at all times, I should use ________ language.
What is polite?
CHAMPS stands for...
C- Conversation, H-Help, A-Activity
M-Movement, P-Participation, S-Success
Outside on the playground, we always ask and _____
What is invite?
True or False: When I eat lunch, I need to stay with my class and eat with them until I am dismissed for recess.
What is true?
If I need help while I am eating lunch I should....
What is raise my hand?
While at breakfast and lunch, I can show respect by...
What is waiting my turn?
When I walk in, I have to move my name so that...
What is, so I can order (or not order) a school lunch?
Before and after school, I specifically need to wait patiently for ___________
What is the bus and being picked up?
When I go the restroom nearest to my class and someone is already in there, I have to ....
What is wait for the person to come out because it is only one person at a time in the restroom?
On campus, I should be "quick, clean and quiet" as well as "get in and get out" of this place.
What is the restroom?
While I am at recess, all of the adults want to make sure that we have fun and are safe. So, I should ...
What is listen to them, be polite and friendly?
True or False: When we line up, I need to be in a specific order.
False. We are 4th and 5th graders capable of making those choices, but if we can't handle it other line arrangements will be made.
When eating and while in the eating area, we eat and enjoy our own food and we have.......
What are good manners?
I LOVE a good game at recess, but I need to make sure to do this with the equipment when recess is over.
What is return the equipment to the buckets?
True or false: When I get dismissed to home, I am so happy to see my car pull up that I should run to it, throw my backpack in and have my parent "peel out" of the parking lot.
What is Oh my gosh, this is so FALSE! :)
When going by other classrooms I can be respectful by ...
What is walking quietly past it?
What is your teacher's first name and what kind of pets does she have?
What is Jennifer and a dog and a horse.