Practice Self-Control
Always Do Your Best
Work Together
Show Good Character
In the classroom when I want to say something to the teacher I practice self control by________.
Raising my hand and waiting to be called on.
There is a problem that I do not know the answer to.  I can do my best by _________.
Trying to answer the problem on my own first and then ask the teacher for help.

My friend drops her lunch tray on the floor. We can work together by _________.

Helping him/her to clean up the mess. 
A friend is hurt on the playground.  I can show good character by _________.
Helping the friend who is hurt and getting the teacher for help.
P stands for ____________.
Practice self-control
When I am walking down the hallway I practice self-control by ___________.
Keeping my hands by my side and to myself.
When I am reading a story and there is a word that I do not know how to read, I can do my best by ________.
Using a reading strategy to figure out the word and then ask the teacher for help I still don't understand.

A friend does not know how to tie their shoe. We can work together by _________.

Helping the friend to tie their shoe. 

A friend needs help with an assignment. I can show good character by _________.

Helping my friend with the assignment by showing him/her what to do.
A stands for _____________. 
Always do your best.
When I am using the restroom I practice self-control by __________.
Using a voice volume of zero and use the bathroom without playing.
My teacher asks me to work with a partner that I do not want to work with.  I can do my best by _______.
Listen to my teacher and try by best to work with the partner. 

A friend has lost her notebook. We can work together by _________.

Helping the friend to find her notebook.

A friend is being bullied on the playground. I can show good character by _________.

Telling the teacher and stand up to the bully.
W stands for __________.
Work together.
In the cafeteria I practice self-control by _______.
Staying quiet for the first 10 minutes and using my manners at the table.
I am in PE class and there is an exercise or activity that I am not good at.  I can try my best by _____________.
Doing the exercise or activity the best way that I can or asking the teacher for help.

A friend needs help with her homework. We can work together by _________.

Helping the friend to understand her homework.

You find money on that ground that does not belong to you. I can show good character by _________.

Taking the money to the office or give it to my teacher.
S stands for _______________.
Show good character. 
On the playground I practice self-control by  ________.
Treating my friends with kindness and using the playground equipment properly. 
In art class I am asked to draw a picture of myself but I do not know how to draw.  I can try my best by __________.
Drawing the picture of myself the best way that I can or ask the teacher for help.

A student does not have a partner to work with. We can work together by _________.

Including the student in our group.

A friend is being yelling at me and not using kind words. I can show good character by _________.

Telling my friend I do not like how he/she is talking to me and ask them not to talk to me in that tone.
What are the 4 PAWS rules?
Practice self-control

Always do your best

Work together

Show good character 
